Final Prototype and Evaluation

The final prototype took most of the elements of the fourth round version and worked to smooth out the roughest edges, and though while the group feels it is a fair demonstration of the overall design goal, there are improvements to be made. Many come from improvements in fabrication and the materials used, as this prototype was made mainly of wood and PVC, but there are several small design tweaks that were discovered during the evaluation. Future work is expanded upon in the evaluation page, but in summation the group has recognized that while it has been proven that the design is successful for what it was intended to do, it would work best with tighter tolerances and better fabrication. Additionally for the future, now that the design has been proven successful, more intricate and more diverse modules can be drawn up. Professor Abell voiced concern over the the example modules provided, but it was the aim of the group to prove the connection system worked, the modules and technology would be able to come after. The group wanted to have a working, finished product over forcing an overly complicated, potentially over budget, forced electrical element. A more straightforward improvement that could have been implemented was using better clamps for the bottom connection point. The PVC used demonstrated functionality, but a piece similar to what was used on the broom fastener module would have improved the functionality of this model.


Picture Gallery of the Final Prototype

Evaluation of Final Prototype