The Process:
The pages linked from here detail the process and steps taken by the group as the project evolved from initial concepts into more concrete ideas that were taken into the prototype phase. The first stage was the research phase, when the group first decided on going in the direction where we would look into working with food trucks, and then went out and shadowed at several different food truck locations around the city. From some of the information that was gathered a survey was put together and set out through the listserv of the Central Ohio Food Truck Association, and using the responses the group worked to slightly narrow down the focus of the project as the semester advanced and we began to create sketch prototypes. Those sketches, which made up the Ideation and Concept Drawings step, was made up of the group going through several iterations of sketches as efforts were made to zero in on a more concrete direction to take for the project. After narrowing down the concepts deemed most promising, the group took each potential design through a series of Decision Matrices, narrowing down to just four concepts that were picked to be taken into the prototyping phase when winter break ended. Details of the prototyping phase can be found here.
Mind Maps and Product Specifications