4 – Design Analysis Tool

In order to analyze the AEV’s performance, we utilized a program in MATLAB called the design analysis tool. In programming the AEV (with the code shown below), this tool was able to produce data that we are able to analyze.

Energy vs Distance Graph:

Energy vs Time Graph:

Description of AEV Performance:

Based on the code below, the first step programmed all of the motors to go from 0% power to 25% power within 3 seconds. This is shown in the energy vs time graph with the first part of the graph increasing from 0 to 3 seconds. This is also shown in the energy vs distance graph where the power shoots up from 0 to approximately 7 Watts while the distance remains constant. The next few steps programmed all of the motors to remain at constant speed for approximately 3 seconds, which you can see in the energy vs time graph from 3 to 6 seconds. For these steps, the distance of the AEV has been increasing at an approximately constant rate due to the speed remaining constant. The reverse command does not effect either of the graphs. The motors are again run at constant speed for 2 seconds (as seen in the energy vs time graph from 6 to 8 seconds, and in the energy vs distance graph remaining a constant distance). The brake command causes the power to drop to 0 Watts in both graphs.

Arduino Code for Scenario 4:







