Exercise 2

Reflectance Sensors

Left image displays the front of the sensor —— Right image displays the back of the sensor


These sensors will be key to programming the distances that our The Lazarene will travel during each segment of the journey.  On the wheel (not shown here) where the sensors are located, there are two reflective tapes that the sensor measure when they pass.  Each pass of the reflective tape is 0.475 inches, also known as 1 “tick.”  The “tick” will be the unit that is used in the program to tell the AEV how far it needs to go for a certain action.  The sensors will be attached the wheel arm that is attached to the base of the AEV.  Without these sensors, there would be no way for us to measure the distance traveled for the AEV.  It would make this project as a repeated progression of trial and error.