Smart City Columbus is looking to transport Linden citizens to Easton and Polaris. The mission of our team is to design an Advanced Energy Vehicle to transport these citizens safely and efficiently.
The vehicle must stop at a gate, wait 7 seconds, then continue moving forward.It must then pick up a secondary load to carry and return to it’s original location, stopping again at the gate along the way. All members will contribute ideas on how to accomplish the overall goal while using as little energy as possible. These ideas will include different AEV designs and different motor configurations on the AEV. Click here to view the Motor Configuration Test Results. Finally, the team will perform a series of braking tests to determine how much time is saved by implementing a physical brake on the AEV. Click here to view the Braking Test Results.
This site is designed to log all progress being made.
“Mission Concept Review and Deliverables”. The Ohio State University Advanced Energy Vehicle Project. April, 2019. Carmen Canvas,