celerate(4,0,20,3); –accelerates the motors from 0% power to 20% power in 3 seconds
motorSpeed(4,20); –keeps the motor speed at 20% power
goFor(8); –keeps the motors running for 8 seconds
brake(4); –brakes all motors
Summary of Code: The above code was executed for one and two motors to compare the input power of one and two motors.
Above: A graph that recorded the input power for two motors over a period of 14 seconds
Above: A graph that recorded the input power for a single motor over a period of 14 seconds
Summary of Findings
As expected, a single motor uses 1 watt of power less than two motors. The team decided to move forward with using one motor, until one motor failed to pull the secondary load out of the loading dock. Although the above data proved one motor used significantly less power, it is not possible to execute the mission efficiently with one motor.