Evolution of Designs

Preliminary R&D Code

celerate(4,0,25,3); //accelerates all motors from 0% to 25% power in three seconds 

 goFor(1); //go for one second 

 celerate(4,25,20,2); //accelerate all motors from 25% to 20% in two seconds 

 reverse(4); //reverse all motors 

 MotorSpeed(4,25); //set all motors to 25% power 

 goFor(2); // go for two seconds 

 brake(4); //stops all motors

Preliminary R&D Data

Preliminary Design




Final Prototype

Concept Scoring 


Concept Screening



After completing the screening and scoring matrices, Team N found that the second preliminary AEV design would be most beneficial to move forward into the Advanced Research and Development Stage. After building the design the team found the AEV to be unbalanced and then proceeded to build the prototype used in the performance tests. The final design was well balanced with the caboose connected, however, the team would have reduced the weight where possible in order to decrease weight and power necessary.