Ohio SB52 that revises law governing wind farms and solar facilities in Ohio Webinar on September 28 at 10:00 AM

The OSU Extension Energy Outreach group would like to invite you to our monthly seminar:

Join the Sept. 28 program hosted by The Ohio State University Extension Energy Program on Ohio SB52 that revises law governing wind farms and solar facilities in Ohio. The program will start at 10:00 AM.

Link to register and join: https://osu.zoom.us/j/94645173927?pwd=ZnY3ZyttdDhZemsxeU52aHBtSUZYQT09

Meeting ID: 946 4517 3927

Password: 920502

By Phone: 1-312-626-6799,,94645173927#,0# 920502#

The presentation will be from Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law Director, OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program in the College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Department of Extension.

SB52 Flyer 9-28-21.  Hope to see some new faces at our meeting!

For Questions contact: Dan Lima
Extension Educator, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
Ohio State University Extension Belmont County
101 North Market St., Suite A, St. Clairsville, OH 43950
(740) 695-1455 Office

Ohio Legislative Update: County Fair Funds, Water Quality Bonds, Animal-drawn Vehicles, Regulation, Broadband Services, Eminent Domain, Beginning Farmer Funds, Wind, Solar

Hopefully, Ohio’s planting season will soon be as busy as its legislative season.  There’s a lot of activity down at the capitol these days, with many bills on the move.  Here’s a summary of bills that could impact agriculture and rural communities. Note that the summary doesn’t include the budget bill, which we’ll address in a separate article.

Water quality bonds.  A joint resolution recently offered in the Senate supports amending Ohio’s Constitution to create permanent funds for clean water improvements.  S.J.R. 2, a bipartisan proposal from Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) and Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Hts.) would place a ballot issue before voters in November.  The issue proposes amending the Constitution to allow for the issuance of general obligation bonds to fund clean water improvements.  Up to $1 billion over 10 years would be permissible, with no more than $100 million allocated in any fiscal year.  Bond funds would create a permanent source of funding for the H2Ohio program, which is now dependent upon the state budget process.

Continue reading Ohio Legislative Update: County Fair Funds, Water Quality Bonds, Animal-drawn Vehicles, Regulation, Broadband Services, Eminent Domain, Beginning Farmer Funds, Wind, Solar