OSU Extension AOSU Extension Announces Two-Day Tax Schools for Tax Practitioners & Agricultural & Natural Resources Income Tax Issues Webinarnnounces Two-Day Tax Schools for Tax Practitioners & Agricultural & Natural Resources Income Tax Issues Webinar

Barry Ward & Jeff Lewis, OSU Income Tax Schools

Columbus, Ohio. Tax provisions related to new legislation as well as continued issues related to COVID-related legislation for both individuals and businesses are among the topics to be discussed during the upcoming Tax School workshop series offered throughout Ohio in October, November, and December.

“The annual series is designed to help tax preparers learn about federal tax law changes and updates for this year as well as learn more about issues they may encounter when filing individual and small business 2022 tax returns,” said Barry Ward, Director of the Ohio State University Income Tax School Program.

“The tax schools are intermediate-level courses that focus on interpreting tax regulations and changes in tax law to help tax preparers, accountants, financial planners, and attorneys advise their clients,” he said. The schools offer continuing education credit for certified public accountants, enrolled agents, attorneys, annual filing season preparers, and certified financial planners.

“Our instructors are what make the difference in our program. Most have been teaching OSU tax schools for over 20 years and make themselves available long after the class to make sure attendees get through the tax filing season,” Ward said.

Continue reading OSU Extension AOSU Extension Announces Two-Day Tax Schools for Tax Practitioners & Agricultural & Natural Resources Income Tax Issues Webinarnnounces Two-Day Tax Schools for Tax Practitioners & Agricultural & Natural Resources Income Tax Issues Webinar

New Farm Lease Law & Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Webinar

From Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agriculture, and Resource Law Program

Lawsuits over late terminations of farm crop leases might reduce after a new law in Ohio takes effect on July 21, 2022.  The law will affect situations where the parties in a farm crop leasing arrangement have not addressed a date or method for terminating the lease–typically verbal leases, although a written lease might also fail to address termination.  A landlord in those situations who wants to end the crop lease will have to do so by delivering a written notice of termination to the tenant operator by September 1.  A late attempt by the landlord to terminate the lease after September 1 would not be effective and the lease would continue for another crop year, although a tenant operator can choose to agree to accept a landlord’s late termination. Continue reading New Farm Lease Law & Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Webinar

Join us for Farm Office Live on April 22

I just wanted to shoot you all a quick note letting you know that this month’s Farm Office Live is two weeks away!  Yes, that means we have changed the date of this month’s Farm Office Live.  Instead of Wednesday, April 20th, Farm Office Live will now take place on Friday, April 22nd from 10:00 – 11:30 AM.

Topics on April 22 will include:

  • State and Federal Legislation Update
  • LLC Liability Protection Review
  • 2021 Midwest Farm Performance Preview
  • Fertilizer and Crop Budgets Update
  • FSA Program Updates
  • Ohio General Assembly Website Tour

March Edition of Farm Office Live

This month’s Farm Office Live will be held on March 16th, from 7 – 8:30 pm, and again on March 18th from 10 – 11:30 am. The Farm Office Team provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis, and other issues dealt with in your farm office.  Targeted to farmers and agribusiness stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format. To sign up for the webinar (and if you can’t attend the recording link) go to go.osu.edu/farmofficelive.

March topics will include

  • Updates on FSA programs
  • Federal Tax Law Update/Medicaid Planning Review
  • Financial Efficiency Review for Grain Farms
  • Fertilizer Update/Crop Budgets
  • Grain Marketing Outlook

Virtual Annie’s Project “Mitigating Risk Across Common Barrier’s” Webinar Sessions

In 2021, I had the opportunity to attend the national certification to become Annie’s program coordinator. Many people have not had a chance to hear about this program.  Let me share about the program and give you a few details of an upcoming FREE webinar series.

About Annie’s Project

Annie’s Project is an education program dedicated to strengthening women’s roles in modern farm and ranch enterprises. Launched in 2003 by University of Illinois Extension Educator Ruth Hambleton, Annie’s Project is a tribute to her mother, Annette Kohlhagen Fleck.

The program honors Annie’s entrepreneurship and her goal of raising a family and being an active partner in the family farm operation.

Farming is a complex business s and more farm women are becoming active business partners in their operations. The target audience is farm women with a passion for business and involvement. Participants will gain a better understanding of human resource issues, business plans, financial documentation, property titles, cash, and crops share leases, marketing pants, retirement, estate planning, and types of insurance.

“Our mission is to empower farm and ranch women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information.”

Annie’s Project – Education for Farm Women (APEFW) is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization established for the purpose of providing education and other opportunities to woman farmers and ranchers so that these women can become effective owners and partners in farm businesses. Programs offered through APEFW are called Annie’s Projects. There are two level’s to Annie’s Project. For more information check out https://www.anniesproject.org/

Upcoming Programs

In March, we will be offering Annie’s Project Mitigating Risk Across Common Barriers to Profitability webinar series. This webinar series is free of charge. We invite you to attend! Attached is more information about the topics, dates, and times. There is a separate link for each Zoom session. Sessions are March 3, 10, 17, and 24.

See the official flyer for these programs Annie’s Webinar Flyer

Northeast Ohio Agronomy Breakfast Weekly Webinar Series – Starting February 23

The Ohio State Extension Offices of Northeast Ohio is excited to offer The Northeast Ohio Agronomy Breakfast – Weekly Webinar Series. Start the morning off right with a quick one-hour presentation each Wednesday starting on February 23, 2022. Each webinar will cover a different topic and offer time to ask questions to the speakers.

There is no cost to attend, and everyone is welcome to join. You can register easily online at Register at: https://u.osu.edu/neoab/ For any questions or for help with registration or zoom, contact Andrew Holden at the Ashtabula County Extension Office at 440-576-9008.

This series will feature a variety of experts on a variety of important agronomic topics, including grain bin fires and safety, farm drainage, corn leaf diseases, soybean disease, and 2022 weather outlooks!
❑ February 23rd, 9:00 AM – Peter Dahl speaking on Grain Bin And Dryer Fires
❑ March 2nd, 8:00 AM – Jason Hartschuh speaking on Corn Leaf Disease and Tire Pressure

❑ March 16th, 8:00 AM – Dr. Horacio Lopez-Nicora on Soybean Disease
❑ March 23rd, 8:30 AM –Dr. Vinayak S. Shedekar on Farm Drainage
❑ March 30th, 8:00 AM – Dr. Aaron Wilson on 2022 Weather Outlook
Register at: https://u.osu.edu/neoab/

Farm Office Live Scheduled for February 16th or 18th Online

We hope that you can join us this week for Farm Office Live.  The Farm Office Team provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis, and other issues dealt with in your farm office.  Targeted to farmers and agri-business stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format.

Farm Office Live will be held via zoom on February 16th from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, and again on February 18th from 10:00 am – 11:30 am.

To register, or to watch recorded Farm Office Live episodes, please visit https://farmoffice.osu.edu/farmofficelive

Farm Bill Election and Crop Insurance Meeting Offered

by: Chris Bruynis, Extension Educator

Each year farmers across Ohio need to make decisions concerning the level of risk they want to accept when it comes to raising corn and soybeans. With current input costs elevated, the amount of money needed to plant the 2022 crop is up significantly from last year. The risk-mitigating tools that are available are the USDA Farm Bill programs of ARC and PLC as well as crop insurance.

Farmers who are interested in learning how the different programs/products work are invited to join a free luncheon webinar on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, at 11:45 AM lasting for approximately one hour.

Speakers include Chris Bruynis, Associate Professor and Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, and Wyatt Schroder, Crop Insurance Specialist, FedCrop Insurance Services, LLC.  The 2022 Farm Bill election decision, the crop insurance products, and the interaction between the Farm Bill election and crop insurance will be discussed.

To join the Zoom Meeting go to https://go.osu.edu/farmbill2022 and use the password 767767 to log into the program. If you have any issue logging into the meeting contact Marianne Guthrie at 740-702-3200.

Farm Office Live – Did You Miss the January Topics? Recording Available.

Farm Office Live provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis, and other issues dealt with in your farm office. Targeted to farmers and agri-business stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format.

Photo of Farm Office Team Presenters

To register, visit the Farm Office Live registration site at https://osu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8abbbMu0RdC-oPB5DFuB3w.

Register once and you’ll receive reminders for future sessions.


Future dates: 

February 16 7:00 – 8:30 pm
February 18 10:00 – 11:30 am
March 16 7:00 – 8:30 pm
March 18 10:00 – 11:30 am
April 20 7:00 – 8:30 pm
May 18 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Did you miss a Farm Office Live?  Access our past Farm Office Live recordings and materials https://farmoffice.osu.edu/farmofficelive

Farmland Laws & Leasing Workshop

Join the Defiance County Extension Office in the Farmland Laws & Leasing Workshop on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 – 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Be sure to catch an Agricultural Outlook and Policy Meeting this winter

by: Mike Estadt, OSU Extension, estadt.3@osu.edu

The Ohio State University Extension is pleased to announce the Regional Ag Outlook and Policy Meetings for 2022.  Meetings will be held around the state beginning the last of January and ending in March.

Speakers will address a myriad of topics of agriculture interest here in Ohio as well as across the Corn Belt.  Programs will include presentations on Grain Market Outlook, Ag Law Updates, Dairy Industry 2022, Ohio’s Changing Climate, Farm Policy, and Farm Bill, SB 52: Utility Solar Legislative, Farm Real Estate, and Cash Rent Trends, Ag Input Price Projections, and Federal Tax Updates.

New to this year’s program is the statewide sponsorship and support of the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association.

“We are proud to partner with Ohio State University  Extension educators across the state to support this year’s agronomy, outlook, and grower meetings.  We value this partnership and look forward to supporting programs that bring value to our member’s farm businesses”, according to Brad Moffitt, Director of Membership and Market Development for the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association.

The following table lists the scheduled Outlook programs with contact information to register. Continue reading Be sure to catch an Agricultural Outlook and Policy Meeting this winter

Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Webinar from OSU’s Farm Office

2022Farmland_Leasing_Update Flyer

Contact: Peggy Kirk Hall, 614.688.0466

Is it time to review your farmland leasing situation?  OSU’s Farm Office team will provide helpful leasing resources in its Ohio Farmland Leasing Update webinar on February 9, 2022, from 7 to 9 p.m.

“Winter is a good time to review farm leases, and current information is critical to that process,” said Barry Ward,  Leader of Production Business Management for OSU Extension.  “We’ll provide the latest economic and legal information relevant to farmland leasing in Ohio.” Continue reading Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Webinar from OSU’s Farm Office

Farm Office Live on November 17 or November 19

We will again host two sessions of Farm Office Live this week. Our first session is Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 pm and it will be repeated live on Friday from 10:00 – 11:30 am.

This month’s topics include:

  • Introducing Margaret Jodlowski, new Ag Economist, and the work she is doing in AEDE
  • Update on the Build Back Better Act
  • State and Federal Legislative Updates
  • Federal Farm Program Update
  • Farm Business Analysis Report

If you are already registered, you will receive a reminder email prior to the sessions. Click here to register if you’ve not yet attended.

OSU Income Tax Schools 2021

OSU Extension Announces Two-Day Tax Schools for Tax Practitioners & Agricultural & Natural Resources Income Tax Issues Webinar

Barry Ward & Julie Strawser, OSU Income Tax Schools

Dealing with the tax provisions of the COVID-related legislation for both individuals and businesses are among the topics to be discussed during the upcoming Tax School workshop series offered throughout Ohio in November and December.

“The annual series is designed to help tax preparers learn about federal tax law changes and updates for this year as well as learn more about issues they may encounter when filing individual and small business 2021 tax returns,” said Barry Ward, Director of the Ohio State University Income Tax School Program.

“The tax schools are intermediate-level courses that focus on interpreting tax regulations and changes in tax laws to help tax preparers, accountants, financial planners, and attorneys advise their clients,” he said. The schools offer continuing education credit for certified public accountants, enrolled agents, attorneys, annual filing season preparers, and certified financial planners. Continue reading OSU Income Tax Schools 2021

Next Farm Office Live is October 15

Join OSU Extension Faculty and Staff on Friday, October 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. as we discuss current farm management and legislation issues.

Details and registration link are available at https://go.osu.edu/farmofficelive.  Below are this week’s topics:

  • Introducing…..Seungki Lee,  new Ag Economist
  • Federal Legislative Update
  • Farm Tax Implications from Federal Legislative Proposals
  • State Legislative Update
  • Ohio Farm Business Analysis 2020: Costs & returns for corn, soybeans, and wheat
  • Crop Costs and Margins for 2022
  • Farm Office Program Updates
  • Panel Discussion: Considerations for End of Year Tax Planning with returning Special Guest Robert Moore, Esq.
  • Q&A

We hope to see you at this virtual session!

Ohio SB52 that revises law governing wind farms and solar facilities in Ohio Webinar on September 28 at 10:00 AM

The OSU Extension Energy Outreach group would like to invite you to our monthly seminar:

Join the Sept. 28 program hosted by The Ohio State University Extension Energy Program on Ohio SB52 that revises law governing wind farms and solar facilities in Ohio. The program will start at 10:00 AM.

Link to register and join: https://osu.zoom.us/j/94645173927?pwd=ZnY3ZyttdDhZemsxeU52aHBtSUZYQT09

Meeting ID: 946 4517 3927

Password: 920502

By Phone: 1-312-626-6799,,94645173927#,0# 920502#

The presentation will be from Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law Director, OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program in the College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Department of Extension.

SB52 Flyer 9-28-21.  Hope to see some new faces at our meeting!

For Questions contact: Dan Lima
Extension Educator, Agriculture, and Natural Resources
Ohio State University Extension Belmont County
101 North Market St., Suite A, St. Clairsville, OH 43950
(740) 695-1455 Office

Farm Office Live is Back!

Farm Office Live” returns virtually this summer as an opportunity for you to get the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, farm business analysis, and other related issues from faculty and educators with the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.  Attend “Farm Office Live” online on July 23, 2021, at 10 AM (EST).  To register, please visit https://go.osu.edu/farmofficelive 

New bulletins on personal guarantees and operating loans

Farms and financing–that’s a common combination in agriculture.  Because farm operators often use financing arrangements to fund the capital-intensive nature of farming, we created the Financing the Farm law bulletin series.  The series aims to help operators, especially new and beginning farmers, understand the legal workings of farm financing arrangements.

We’ve just added two new bulletins to the Financing the Farm series.  “Personal Guarantees and Agricultural Loans” address the legalities of a personal guarantee–a personal promise made by a third party to pay the loan if the borrower fails to do so.  We explain when lenders might require a personal guarantee for a loan, how a personal guarantee works, and issues and implications for entering into this type of agreement. Continue reading New bulletins on personal guarantees and operating loans

Ohio Legislative Update: County Fair Funds, Water Quality Bonds, Animal-drawn Vehicles, Regulation, Broadband Services, Eminent Domain, Beginning Farmer Funds, Wind, Solar

Hopefully, Ohio’s planting season will soon be as busy as its legislative season.  There’s a lot of activity down at the capitol these days, with many bills on the move.  Here’s a summary of bills that could impact agriculture and rural communities. Note that the summary doesn’t include the budget bill, which we’ll address in a separate article.

Water quality bonds.  A joint resolution recently offered in the Senate supports amending Ohio’s Constitution to create permanent funds for clean water improvements.  S.J.R. 2, a bipartisan proposal from Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) and Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Hts.) would place a ballot issue before voters in November.  The issue proposes amending the Constitution to allow for the issuance of general obligation bonds to fund clean water improvements.  Up to $1 billion over 10 years would be permissible, with no more than $100 million allocated in any fiscal year.  Bond funds would create a permanent source of funding for the H2Ohio program, which is now dependent upon the state budget process.

Continue reading Ohio Legislative Update: County Fair Funds, Water Quality Bonds, Animal-drawn Vehicles, Regulation, Broadband Services, Eminent Domain, Beginning Farmer Funds, Wind, Solar

Farm Office Live Continues!

By:  Barry Ward, David Marrison, Peggy Hall, Dianne Shoemaker, and Julie Strawser – Ohio State University Extension

“Farm Office Live” continues this winter as an opportunity for you to get the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis and other related issues from faculty and educators with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

Each Farm Office Live begins with presentations on select ag law and farm management topics from our specialists followed by open discussions and a Q&A session. Viewers can attend “Farm Office Live” online each month on Wednesday evening or Friday morning or can catch a recording of each program.

The full slate of offerings remaining for this winter are:

  • March 10th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
  • March 12th 10:00 – 11:30 am
  • April 7th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
  • April 9th, 10:00 – 11:30 am

Topics to be addressed in March include:

  • Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
  • Proposed “American Rescue Plan of 2021” – New Stimulus Legislation
  • General Legislative Update
  • Ohio Farm Business Analysis – A Look at Crops
  • Ohio Cash Rental Rates: Outlook and Discussion on Lease Alternatives

To register or view past recordings, visit https://go.osu.edu/farmofficelive

For more information or to submit a topic for discussion, email Julie Strawser at strawser.35@osu.edu or call the Farm Office at 614-292-2433. We look forward to you joining us!