A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet has been developed to support nutrient management education programs provided by Ohio State University Extension and for users who want to generate their own recommendation or compare recommendations provided to them to the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, and Alfalfa, 2020. The spreadsheet is designed to be compatible with the Excel version, Excel 1997-2003, or later.
The tool generates recommendations for the following crops:
- Corn
- Corn-Silage
- Soybeans
- Wheat (Grain Only)
- Wheat (Grain & Straw)
- Alfalfa
- Grass Hay
- Grass/Legume Hay
Overview of spreadsheet features:
- There are 21 data lines.
- Data can be copied from another spreadsheet or within the spreadsheet
- User controls whether recommendations are build/maintenance or maintenance only for phosphorus (P) & potassium (K) recommendations.
- Users can select when a field the critical level used for corn/soybean rotations or wheat, alfalfa, or grass-legume hay for P recommendations.
- Can select a shorter or longer buildup period than standard 4 years for P & K.
- P & K recommendations are displayed with buildup and maintenance requirements separately.
- Total fertility needs can be determined for a 1-, 2- or 3-year application on the P & K Recommendation page.
- Users can determine the total cost of P & K fertilizer needed to meet the nutrient recommendation.
- Lime recommendations are developed using target final soil pH and tillage depth.
- Users can compare the cost of two lime sources.
- Users can determine the total cost of Lime needed in the recommendation developed.
The spreadsheet is available at https://go.osu.edu/ohiofertilitytool
A printed User Guide is available at https://go.osu.edu/ohiofertilitytoolguide
A video demonstration at https://go.osu.edu/ohiofertilitytoolvideo