Taken from the Lima News on 2/4/2019
By Mackenzi Klemann – mklemann@limanews.com
- A 2014 law requiring Ohio farmers with more than 50 acres to be certified in fertilizer application
- A 2015 law restricting farmers in the western basin of Lake Erie “from applying manure or fertilizer on frozen and saturated soil conditions and requiring them to monitor and document precipitation forecasts prior to surface applications.”
- A 2015 agreement with Michigan and Ontario to reduce phosphorus runoff into Lake Erie by 40 percent by 2025.
Kasich’s executive order was intended to build upon these previous efforts.
“I think part of what is frustrating is, if former Gov. Kasich thought he could just say, ‘This is a problem, fix it,’” Begg said. “If we knew how to fix it, you could do that even if it came at a great cost. We don’t know how to fix it. We know the costs are going to be great, so if we’re going to spends millions and millions of dollars … to fix this problem we’ve got to make sure that what we’re doing is cost effective, that it ends up with the right result not just throw a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks.
“So that’s what the agricultural community really wants to know.”