About Michael Patton


I am Michael Alexander Patton, from Dublin, OH. I grew up there with my parents, my brother, and our two adorable kitties, and I love math. Since I was a little tyke, my father would host “achievement hours” for my brother and I (in spite of not lasting any longer than ten minutes), in which he would ask a math question to the both of us, and whoever answered the question quicker would get a piece of candy. Before school even taught me what a division sign was, I knew I wanted to do something related to math one day, once I figured out I wasn’t going to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

My teachers have also helped cultivate my love for math. If I were to name the five nicest teachers I think I’ve ever had, two or three of the five would be math teachers I had in middle school and high school. All of them, especially my eighth grade math teacher were pleasant ladies who brought smiles to every lesson. I ended up reciprocating to her by writing a letter to her daughter during Christmastime as one of Santa’s elves, and wrote a short story that made both she and her daughter adore “Lewis the Elf.” This positive working environment has been no small factor in my choice to pursue math as a career.

In high school, I was in the National Honors Society, and was awarded the Community Champion Award by Dublin Jerome High School and nominated for the Celebration of Excellence Award by my Latin teacher, Mr. Durrett. In high school, I also learned I had Asperger’s syndrome. My father told me one night on my freshman year that I was diagnosed as an infant, and that he waited until then to tell me because he didn’t want me to feel I was different, or lesser, than anybody. I always had some hint that I was a little different from my peers in the way I thought and acted, so it felt enlightening to hear what I thought was something wrong with me turned out to be a natural thing that happens to some people. It also helped to be told that some of history’s smartest men were suspected to have Asperger’s syndrome. From then on, I felt I had a better understanding of myself and why I was the way I was. I felt I took my math skills for granted before. Now I realize it’s a gift that’s been perfected by years and dedication to the subject, thanks to the great scene that’s surrounded math my whole life.

Now that I’m here at The Ohio State University, I know that math is what I want to do with my life. I don’t know what yet, but I will find what I am able to work with and pursue it. I will use my time at OSU to find what works for me and give it my full dedication. I chose the STEM program because I feel it will best suit my ambitions, and if all goes according to plan, I will make them proud to have me.

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