Year in Review

During 1182 in Spring semester, my group did a semester long project for an advanced energy vehicle. The lab taught me time management, teamwork, critical thinking, skills in documentation, data analysis, and problem solving. It was a very worthwhile experience and I feel very prepared for future engineering projects. I have also provided a link to the website we built for the project below.

Over the summer I took two classes to catch up and get ahead with my major. After doing poorly in physics 1250, I decided it would be in my best interest to retake the class while at home at the Lima campus. Though I was bitter about having to do so at first, I am very happy I did retake it because now I fully understand the material and earned an A in the class, drastically raising my GPA. Not only that but I also took an online English course that did the same. Taking these classes over the summer opened my eyes to how important it is to get ahead in school and I plan to take more in the coming years.


This Fall I was able to complete linear algebra and physics 1251 with grades that exceeded my expectations. Going into the semester I knew these two classes by themselves would be very difficult let alone taken during the same semester. However, through a lot of hard work and many office hours, I was able to earn good marks in these classes I was worried about. Not only that but my performance in these classes helped me to get into my major which was also a huge achievement and relief.


This Spring I was fortunate enough to be offered a position at Honda over the summer. I am so excited to start working with this amazing company over the summer and do all I can to learn and gain experience while I am there. I hope to perform well so that I might return in the future and at the very least learn how to apply the things I learn in school.


One GOAL that I have this year is to complete the 1 Day for the KIA run. This service engagement is a 12 hour run around the Oval that raises money for the Living Legacy Scholarship at Ohio State. I became involved with the organization in early Spring Semester as part of the sponsored runner team. My goal is to raise $1,500 for the scholarship as well as run over 60 miles that day. Mainly I wanted to do my part to help the families of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Secondly, I wish to improve my leadership abilities. I plan to do this by performing well as a squad leader in Navy ROTC. Additionally I hope to be a good mentor for my first year GESers. I hope to be a positive influence through my leadership, hard work, teamwork, friendliness, and by caring for others. I hope to learn more about my leadership skills and how to improve as I go along as well.

On April 8th I completed the 12 hour run and fell short on a couple of my goals. I did not raise as much money as I wanted to and only ran 52.6 miles. While I did not meet my goals, I still managed to raise a good amount of money for a cause I am passionate about. Additionally running two marathons is no easy feat, and I was able to do what I could for the families we put this event on for. I learned a lot about myself and how I can improve for next year so that I can be more successful in this organization.

Since the Fall I believe my leadership abilities have come a long way and I am much improved. Through evaluations by my peers in ROTC, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses as a leader and consider these in the future. I was able to manage the well being of seven other midshipman and even had two of my squad members pick up a national scholarship, a very impressive achievement. Next I felt my GES mentor group was able to learn a lot from my time as their mentor. I helped them get used to college life, with school work, and many team building events through GES. I believe I did well to develop my leadership this year and hope to keep doing so in the future. Below is a picture from our company PT contest where my squad performed as a team under my leadership to win the competition.



My experience in Navy ROTC has allowed me to develop my leadership, teamwork, time management, professionalism, and responsibility for self and others. These skills are transferable to my professional career in the Navy and at Honda. There I will use these abilities to work with others, manage projects, utilize strengths, identify weaknesses, and to be a professional leader that brings out the best of other’s abilities.


AmericiumGES finalPresentation.pptx (1)

This presentation shows research on the efficiency and design of solar panels by the green engineering scholars group Americium. Included in the presentation is a brief history of solar cells, current designs, theoretical designs, and a conclusion of what we learned in our research.


Update Spring 2017:

In my ISE 2500 class, intro to manufacturing, I have been learning about many different kinds of manufacturing processes. These processes range from all over the manufacturing spectrum. My favorite day in lab was when we learned about sheet metal blanking. During the lab we were able to use a press to punch out metal Ohios with what we had learned in class. Labs and classes like these are what I love to do and make me excited for a future in ISE.

About Me

Industrial and Systems Engineering major at the Ohio State University. I am involved in green engineering scholars and Navy ROTC. I plan to use the skills I learn through these programs to make a career in the Navy as a surface warfare officer. Not only that but I will use my experiences and knowledge gained at my internship with Honda over the summer to further my professional development and expand my abilities. I am driven to excel and always give my absolute best at everything I do.

I can be reached at