As hard as it is to believe, my first semester of college is coming to an end. Throughout this semester, I have learned much about who I aspire to be someday. I am a currently a neuroscience major, and I intend on going down this route. Neuroscience is a fascinating field of study, and I am very intrigued by the new and exciting things I learn each day as a Neuroscience major. However, although as hard as it may be, I need to think of other possible paths of study. I have looked into a Psychology major as an alternate route of study. Also, this semester, I have learned that I need to be mindful of both my mental and physical health. I have so much to do, with my academic life, extracurriculars, and social commitments, however, if I don’t take care of my well-being first, none of this will be possible to juggle. I plan to set time aside in my schedule to incorporate at least one hour of exercise, and to have an eating schedule, as this way I will not skip any meals. I also intend on forming personal relationships with my professors this coming semester, as I will learn much through their wisdom and advice. Having upperclassmen around is helpful as well, as they have already gone through what I’m currently experiencing and their advice is useful as they have similar feelings and ideas towards certain things as we are similar in age. Overall, I would like to grow as a young adult capable of multitasking, while still being able to be efficient and manage my time wisely, as these factors will lead me to success.
My family continues to stand as my biggest supporters.
Community Commitment 8/27/16
My career goal is to become a physician one day.