Module 2: Communication and Collaboration

Communication is a key skill I believe that everyone should have in college and in module 2 I learned many tips in communicating with my instructor and the internet as a whole. Communication a lead to good and bad things if you communicate your thoughts clearly it can lead to clarity on something but if you communicate something badly it can lead to total confusing. Slide 2 talks about Netiquette it is important that you understand as the user can leave harm your reputation if you are not careful about how you behave. Many jobs that you might apply for will check your online presence and if they decide that they don’t like it they will not hire you. If you have a bad online presence the companies sees you as a liability. It important for students to recognize how important emailing you instructor is. Communicating with the instructor the correct way can be very useful. It’s important that the emails that you send don’t look sloppy or unprofessional because, you are not communicating with a friend it an instructor. It’s important that when replaying to an email that you proof read it first before sending it. This can really leave a bad impression on the instructor. Proof reading showed that you care about how you come off and take time in communicating properly.

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