Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

In Module 4: “Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies”, we learned about studying and study strategie to become better students. One useful thing that I learned in this module was to beware of multitasking. I consider myself a good multitasker which already is not a good start in learning. I have a lot of assignments to do, tests, and quizzes to study for just like any college student does as well as balancing a life outside of school so multitasking does have to come into play somewhere. In the module, multitasking was talked about in-depth and one quote that caught my eye is: “Research has documented that heavy multitaskers, even though confident in their abilities, do not perform as well as light multitasking peers”. I do consider myself a heavy multitasker but will need to stop that to become a better student. A tip that I will be using and advice I would give to students is to work on one task at a time. By doing this, we are able to give all of our attention to that one task and complete it in a timely manner without any distractions such as watching TV, going on our phones, talking to friends, etc. Having all of these disractions might seem fine when doing an assignment but in reality, we tend to lose track of time and our brain isn’t wired to give divided attention and retain information at the same time in an appropriate way. p I will be reducing multitasking in my studying to prevent myself from wasting time and effectively studying for exams.
