The Gamma Nu Chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon is Ohio State University’s premiere co-ed marketing and sales fraternity.
Pi Sigma Epsilon is the nation’s premiere co-ed professional fraternity for sales, marketing, and sales management. With over sixty-five chapters across the nation, Pi Sigma Epsilon offers collegians national affiliation and resources that can benefit students not only in business school, but the work force. Through Pi Sigma Epsilon, collegians gain real-world experiences while networking with other students and companies around the country and globe.
During the Fall 2015 semester, I joined the Gamma Nu chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon. As a member, I have gained valuable professional skills through:
- A collaboration on the brand establishment and college marketing strategy for Venmo, an authorized delegate of PayPal Inc., employing grassroots marketing and social media publicity
- The utilization of creative sales and marketing strategies to promote the sale and usage of the Buckeyecard sales project
- The development of sales and presentation skills while participating in the Fisher College of Business Sales Competition
I look forward to continue to grow and professionally develop with the Gamma Nu Chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon.