Individual Responsibilities Agreement

Individual Responsibility Agreement

This document outlines the specific roles and responsibilities of each member of lab table M. It is also designed to create to most efficient and productive way of completing the software design project.

Michael Johnson – In charge of website design. Create new posts. Create interview questions.

Brennan Cramp – Create code for hangman. Help design adventure game. Conduct interview.

Cam Froemming – Create code for hangman. Design algorithm for adventure game.

Stephen Gairing – Create Team Working Agreement and Individual Responsibilities documents. Design algorithm for adventure game.

Team Working Agreement

Team Working Agreement

The team members of lab table M have agreed on the follow terms and conditions in order to properly complete the requirements of the software design project. These standards are following those set forth by the ENGR 1181 faculty of The Ohio State University.

·         All assignments will be completed in a timely manner.

·         All group member will share the work load equally.

o   The can assign portions to different member to be completed in step.

·         All group members will attend scheduled work sessions unless otherwise excused ahead of time.

·         Work shall be done to the best of each member’s ability to maximize points.

·         Each member will work with in the level of competence and ask for help when needed.

o   Member are expected to work together and help each other when needed. 

Having read the agreed upon terms and conditions, each group member shall sign his name below.


  Stephen Gairing

Brennen Cramp

Cameron Froemming

Michael Johnson