
I believe there are many ways to increase voter participation in the United States. Firstly, I would make the process of voter registration much more simple and more efficiently. This would increase the amount of eligible voters and people who want to vote which would hopefully increase voter participation. Another way to speed up the voter registration process would to have automatic voter registration for young adults when they become of age. Secondly, a much more controversial idea, is to to restore voting rights to incarcerated people across America. Although they have committed crimes and are being punished, incarcerated people should still have the right to vote as issues about crimes and other related things that effect prisoners. Prisoners should have some say in laws as they are affected by laws and are still people. The right to vote is one that should be a born right and not taken away from anybody under any circumstance. Strengthening the teaching of government and civics to emphasize the importance of voting to young adults. This would encourage them in a positive way and leave them more educated about government as a whole. The more educated people are the better they are in life as a whole.


More ways to increase voter participation is to make voting day a holiday. This would allow time for people to vote as many people do not vote because they can not take off work. By making voting day a holiday would create time for everyone to go vote and would surely increase voter participation. Politicians actions and words drive people to not vote, for example, in the 2016 presidential election many people did not like either candidate and did not vote. Politicians need to promote voting as people listen to what they say. Politicians could also earn more trust from voters if they are more honest and do not gerrymander or lie about their campaigns. When politicians gerrymander and do not commit to campaign promises, voters lose trust and then end up not voting. When people feel truly represented and trust their politicians they participate more and vote more. Eliminating the electoral college could also promote more people to vote because it is an outdated system that people believe is unfair. In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote over Donald Trump, but Trump won because of the electoral college. This upset more people than it did make happy as more people voted for Clinton. People, as I do, believe this system is unfair and loses the trust of people.


There are many other ways to promote voter participation, but, as anything in today’s world, money is needed to for everything. To start any of those ideas previously written about, federal money would be needed. Although money would be needed, it is worth the investment to increase voter participation and create a more educated, involved public. The more people that vote, the more majority opinions are supported and then bills can be created and passed. Hopefully, the government takes action and voter participation does increase in the United States.



My mentor, Julia Grant, is a third year finance major from Westerville, Ohio. Julia is involved in many clubs and activities such as Politics, Society, and Law Scholars program and Phi Chi Theta business fraternity. Both clubs she is proud to be in and has a lot of fun in both. If Julia could go back and change one thing about her freshman year, it would be getting involved immediately and not waiting. As many other students, Julia waited til second semester to get involved which she regrets. Julia’s favorite memory of college so far is her initiation into her business fraternity. This is her favorite memory because after a long pledging process, it was a relief to finally be initiated and she loves hr friends she met along the way. Julia’s favorite place to eat, which she recommends to everyone, is Fukyuru which is on Lane. Not many people have heard of this or have been there, but, according to Julia, it is amazing food. One thing she would change about OSU as a whole, is the room reservation system because Julia says it is confusing and there are too many systems. Julia loves to study in Orton Hall because it is nice and quiet and it looks like Hogwarts. Her favorite memory of PSL is meeting new people and making new friends which she still has to this day. As every student should, Julia does think the Buckeyes will win it all this year. Lastly, one piece of advice Julia gave to me is to figure out the bus system before it gets cold so I do not have to walk to classes in the cold.