My First Week at OSU

Before the 19th of August, I was terrified at the thought of my parents leaving me behind at this huge campus and I’d be all alone.  Thankfully, saying goodbye was not as hard as I thought, and now the scariest part of college is the exams.  As someone who likes to know what to expect, I’m nervous about not knowing what my first exams will be like.  On the other side of the spectrum, I am excited to learn how to be autonomous.  Because I have been reliant on my parents for my entire life, I am eager to start my own life.

From trying to find the easiest way to Scott to going to my first Chemistry 1210 lecture, my first week at OSU has been an adventure.  Overall my first week at OSU went better than expected.  Before moving in, I worried over living with a stranger, starting my classes, and making new friends.  Thankfully as soon as I got here, everything fell right into place.  I have met new people and I feel confident in my classes as well as finding my classes.  Everyday has been a new experience.

During my time at OSU, I hope that I find a place where I can grow into an independent person and meet people who will change my life.  Over the next four years, I want to graduate from the Dental Hygiene program and be accepted to OSU’s dental school.  Along with my academic aspirations, I hope to find new passions outside of volunteering and dentistry.  With the Humanities Scholars programs, I want to get more involved with both the OSU community and the Columbus community.  I cannot wait to learn and explore places that I never would have thought to experience on my own.   As a Humanities Scholars student, I’m excited to have an easy, close to home way to get involved at OSU.

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