Freshman Year Reflection

Chapter 1 – What if?

When I think back on my freshman year, my mind immediately jumps to an office hour visit to a professor who has become a mentor. I was in the process of exploring second major options, and I was putting too much pressure on myself to make the “correct” decision. My professor gave me the simplest, yet most striking advice I have received. She said, “Listen to yourself and just keep going down the path that feels right, even if it wasn’t part of your plan.” Listen to yourself and let your passions pull you down the path. I remember being over-whelmed in the sea of opportunities, drowning in “what ifs.” Learning about myself and truly listening guided me through the confusion. Self-awareness, listening to myself and my passions, became the theme of my freshman year.

I joined the Global Health Initiative (GHI) student organization immediately after the Involvement Fair. In a whirlwind of smiling faces with brochures and information, GHI stuck out and drew me in. It gave me the opportunity to volunteer throughout Columbus at the Helping Hands Free Clinic, the Autism Society of Ohio, LifeTown Columbus, and Red Cross Blood Drives. I was able to use my creativity and passion for empowering young people as a part of the High School Outreach Committee. Together, we organized, planned, and presented to high school students on global health topics. These ranged from “What is Public Health?” to an interactive presentation on infectious diseases. It was amazing to see the interest in the students’ faces when they realized that public health is a diverse field full of opportunities. Through GHI, I also got the opportunity to attend Population Connection’s Capitol Hill Days. Those four days in Washington, D.C. were truly a transformative experience. For three days, we attended a conference with other students and professionals focused on international and domestic family planning. We heard stories from professionals working in the field in distant corners of the globe; experts led discussions major foreign policy topics. Finally, I was able to lobby my elected officials in Congress. I was the only person present from my Pennsylvania Congressional District, so I met with one of my Congressman’s aids by myself. I was terrified walking into that meeting, afraid that I would do something embarrassing or unprofessional. Afterwards, however, I walked out feeling confident and proud of the work I had done over the past four days. Capitol Hill Days ignited my passion for contributing to big changes that can impact lives on a small scale.

My freshman year has become a series of memories that fly through my mind, mostly good, many inspiring, and some bad. Yet, I can confidently say that I made the most of my year and followed that advice from my professor. “Listen to yourself and let your passions pull you down the path.” This motto continues to guide me as I am about to enter my second year at Ohio State.

Freshman Year Timeline

Autumn 2015

  • Volunteered as a 1girl program facilitator at Cassady Alternative Elementary school
    • Worked with fifth and sixth grade girls
    • Taught goal-setting and emphasized the importance of respect for self and others
  • Joined the Ohio State Global Health Initiative, an organization that has become my home in the Ohio State Community
    • Helped to plan and present global health topics to Columbus high school students as a member of the High School Outreach Committee
    • Volunteered as a member of the Local Volunteering Committee
  • Declared Public Affairs as my second major and joined the Glenn College of Public Affairs
  • Achieved the goal of dean’s list

Spring 2016

  • Began training to become an HIV test-counselor at the AIDS Resource Center of Ohio
  • Selected to become a High School Outreach Committee Co-Chair in the Global Health Initiative
  • Inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma Honor Societies
  • Attended Population Connection’s Capitol Hill Days
    • Participated in a three day conference focused on international and domestic family planning topics
    • Lobbied my elected officials in Congress for three key international family planning policy changes
  • Applied to and was selected for the State Government Internship Program through the Ohio State Government Affairs office
  • Achieved the goal of dean’s list