ENT Specialist Observation

In most young adults, the thought of becoming a practicing physician is often conceived and pursued without ever making an attempt to immerse themselves in the world of medicine. As a result, many aspiring high school students will go throughout their career without ever actually experiencing it first hand, thus raising the question : How can you be sure you want to engage in such a demanding career without learning from those who do it for a living? With this, I was only a junior in high school when I approached a local ear, nose , and throat specialist (ENT). He admired my ambition and was glad to have me, so I started my observation immediately. With this, I have spent numerous hours shadowing Dr. X* from junior year up until now.

During this time, I realized that entering the medical field was something that I must do. Watching him interact with various patients of all kinds of different backgrounds truly amazed me. The care with which he treated each and every individual revealed to me the true nature of medicine. Behind all of the science, research, and expertise, is the genuine desire to help and heal others. Being able to witness this at such a young age is something not many are able to do. In addition to this, I was able to observe an array of fascinating procedures. For example, I have witnessed numerous nasal biopsies, myringotomy procedures, and many other interesting acts of medicine.

Despite my departure for college, I plan on maintaining contact with Dr. X*. I intend on continuing my observation of his practice and quite possibly interning with him at some point during my career. Ultimately, he has given me an opportunity that many college students never had during their years in high school.

*Names changed for privacy purposes

Total hours: 16

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