A Brief Summary

My name is Reid Palumbo, and I am currently attending The Ohio State University. Surrounded by individuals who share my passionate desire for knowledge and understanding, I cannot wait to bear witness to the many different methods of thinking present in such a group. Brimming with innovative thoughts and ideas, it is exciting to ponder the limitless possibilities that exist in such an environment. With this, I intend to pursue my studies with an intensity resembling that of the sun. Prepared to do each and every task to the best of my ability, I have no doubt that these next four years will prove to be quite difficult, but perhaps one day I will be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a practicing physician.

When I am not occupied with my academic pursuits, I like to participate in numerous different things. Physical fitness is an extremely significant part of my life, so weight lifting has become an intense hobby of mine. In addition to this, I am an avid athlete and enjoy a variety of sports. Ultimately, I love being engaged with other people. Whether its hanging out with new friends, volunteering within the community, or helping somebody achieve their goals, I am always willing to spend time with others.


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