International Postdoctoral Scholar Guide available for download

I contacted Marcela Hernandez, PhD, the  Administrative Director of The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs about their publication:

which she has been promoting to faculty, urging them to share it with any interested parties from other countries.

You can download it at:

She welcomes any suggestions for interactions with postdocs in Wooster.  They are planning to start streaming most of their Columbus events.


Thank you OSU Postdoctoral Association and

Marcela Hernandez, PhD
Administrative Director
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
208 Bricker Hall,190 North Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-4624 (Office)
614-296-4688 (Mobile)



Clothing Drive to Help the People of Venezuela

Hello OARDC folks,
Surely everyone has heard on the news the situation in Venezuela. Some OARDC faculty, staff and students are collecting clothes to donate. Please consider donating those clothes that have stayed unused for so long in your wardrobe. The drive will take place from Dec 11th – Dec 15th, you may bring your donations to Williams Hall – Break Room (place them in the box labeled Clothe Drive – Venezuela).
Question contact:
Louceline (, Kaylee (, Allison ( or Nelly (



Wooster Science Café re: Peru Thurs, Dec 7, 7-8 pm

Please join us for this month’s Wooster Science Café Thursday, December 7th from 7-8pm. It will be in the upstairs event space at Spoon Market & Deli (144 W Liberty St, Wooster). Please come early if you would like to get food and eat before the cafe (you cannot bring it upstairs to the talk). There will also be light appetizers upstairs.

Dr. Shauna Brummet, President & CEO at BioHio Research Park and adjunct professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University, will present “A Peruvian adventure – Alpacas and their Quechua shepherds”. 

Currently serving as the President & CEO of BioHio Research Park, an Affiliate of The Ohio State University, Dr. Brummet is a molecular biologist by training and worked many years in the biotech, open innovation and biomedical industries. She also raises alpacas as part of a farm business and has interests in the Peruvian Altiplano region and its Native People and alpacas. She plans to talk about this unique animal that is known for its fleece, the origin of the camelid family and their immune systems.

We hope to see you there!

Please share this with anyone else who you think will be interested.