Women in Law Enforcement

As a female who wants to pursue a career in law enforcement, either at the local, state, or federal level, I recognize the importance to educating individuals on the significance of having women in the police force. This CNN article highlights the unique traits that women can bring to a department.

The number of women are lacking in the law enforcement profession. This does not mean, however, that they should not garner the same amount of respect as male police officers. In this news interview, one of two women in the Austin Police Department prove that women are just as capable of doing the job as men.

Another really important factor to consider is women who are rising up and leading departments. It is even less common to see women police chiefs and executives than just simply female officers. That is why there is an organization set-up to serve and further the interests of women executives in law enforcement. This organization is called the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives. Click on the link to learn more about this organization and what they do (the page is not very technologically savvy, however it serves its purpose).

Women have come a long way in the law enforcement profession. They weren’t always welcomed with open arms into departments as they are often today. To read more about the history of women in law enforcement, follow this link.

For a much more in-depth study on the effects of women in law enforcement, you can read this journal article published in 2014 titled, “Female Representation in Law Enforcement: The Influence of Screening, Unions, Incentives, Community Policing, CALEA, and Size”.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”-Matthews 5:9
Law Enforcement is a family. Regardless of gender, those who recognize the sacrifice that our police make in keeping our communities safe, share an unbreakable bond. I am the daughter of a police officer, and look forward to continuing my father’s legacy and protecting the citizens of this great country.