About Me: Process

Statement of Intent: My primary goal for my “About Me” , or biography page was to communicate the things I felt were the most important and true to who I am and who I hope to be as both a person and as a design student.


1. We started with a reading exercise, in which we read and compared three different articles and/or media sources that discussed “good design”. My notes from the three sources I chose are attached below.

“Good Design” Articles

2. We then did an exercise to discuss our opinions on what makes “good” or “bad” design. Attached is my list of designs that I thought were good, bad, secretly bad, and secretly good. This exercise, combined with the discussion in class helped me to better define my perspective of what good design is and some of the elements that are most important to me and to others.

Good vs. Bad Design

3. Next, I began to compile images and ideas of things I felt were a part of who I am. I included some of the things that have inspired me most throughout my life that I felt would be important to talk about on my site.

Some images from travel, previous artwork, inspiration, etc.











1. The first step of my iteration process was generating ways to communicate what I wanted to share most about myself in a short mini biography. I started by making bullets of things to include on the page, and organized my thoughts into small sections or categories. I then began to sketch out ways I could potentially organize the page.

Left: Lists of content to include in my mini biography.
Right: Quick sketching for layout ideas










2. After compiling a short bio and choosing a photo I was happy with, I tried different ways to put the actual content onto my website.

Entering content into site; decided to keep the elements at only one photo.







Link to Final:

View my About Me page here: About Me


Through the process of creating my “About Me” page for my site, I was able to discover ways to express myself and my perspectives, especially relating to art and design concepts. It was also interesting to discuss the exercises (in the “Ideation” section of this post) in class, as it allowed us to take in each others unique perspectives and learn from them, which I found allowed me to build on and even reconsider my own initial interpretations. Overall, I was able to discover a lot about myself and the things that are important to me, as well as how big of a role my passion for art and design has played in my life and choosing to major in Interior Design.