Nimblewill, Muhlenbergia schreberi
Family: Poaceae; Grass Family
Vegetative Characteristics:
Seedling: Glabrous, linear blade; short, erose, membranous ligule
Stems: ~60 cm tall, geniculate, branching and rooting at nodes, glabrous
Leaves: 3.5-6.0 cm long, 1.0-3.0 mm wide, blades pubescent at mouth only; sheaths shorter than internode, glabrous; ligule minute, erose or lacerate, ciliolate, 0.5 mm long
Reproductive Characteristics:
Inflorescences: terminal and axillary contracted panicles, 5.0-15.0 cm long; spikelets with 1 fertile flower, 2.0 mm long, excluding awns, pediceled; first glume minute or absent, second glume 0.1-0.3 mm long; lemma 2.0 mm long, with 2.0-5.0 mm awn from tip; palea as lemma
Fruits: caryopsis, lemma and palea attached
Special Identifying Features:
⇒ minute glumes, no rhyzomes, narrow panicles, leaf blades resembling bermudagrass
- Internode
- Seeds
- Leaf
- Ligule & Sheath
- Mature Plant
- Seedling