The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Multiflora Rose

Multiflora Rose, Rosa multiflora

Family: Rosaceae; Rose Family

Vegetative Characteristics: 

Seedling: usually not observed, leaves trifoliate and reddish, emerging from rootstock

Stems: erect or climbing shrub, 1.0-2.0 m long, somewhat arching, glabrous, round, reddish; prickles mostly paired, flattened, curved broad-based

Leaves: alternate, odd-pinnately compound, 7-9 leaflets; leaflets 1.0-6.0 cm long, 0.8-3.0 cm wide, obovate to elliptic, margins sharply serrate, base cuneate or rounded, glabrous above, pubescent or rarely glabrous below, with conspicuous pectinate-serrate stipules

Reproductive Characteristics:

Inflorescences: pyramidal corymb, often many together; pedicels softly pubescent; petals 5, white to rarely light pink, 5.0-12.0 mm long, ovate; stamens numerous; styles exserted from hypanthium; sepals ovate-lanceolate 12.0-15.0 mm long

Fruits: hip, 6.0-9.0 mm long, ellipsoidal, red

Seeds: achene, 2.5-3.0 mm long, densely pubescent, enclosed in ellipsoidal red hip

Special Identifying Features:

erect or climbing prickly shrub; stems with curved, flattened, broad-based thorns; stipules conspicuously pectinate-serrate; fruit a red hip