The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Prostrate Knotweed

Prostrate Knotweed, Polygonum aviculare

Family: Polygonaceae; Buckwheat Family

Vegetative Characteristics: 

Seedling: cotyledons small, linear; stem reddish; leaves blue-green, glabrous

Stems: prostrate, to 1.0 m long, highly branched, conspicuous nodes, glabrous

Leaves: alternate, 5.0-30.0 mm long, 1.0-8.0 mm wide, simple, linear, margins entire, blue-green; petiole short; ocrea fringeless and veinless

Reproductive Characteristics: 

Inflorescences: axillary clusters, small, perfect, included in or barely exserted from leaf axil; sepals green with white or pinkish margins, 1.0-1.6 mm long

Fruits: achene, 2.0-25.0 mm long, ovoid, reddish brown to dark brown, lustrous; calyx adhering to achene, green with pink or white margins

Special Identifying Features: 

Prostrate to loosely ascending annual; flowers in leaf axil, inconspicuous; ocrea lacking fringe and veins