The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Powell Amaranth

Powell Amaranth, Amaranthus powellii

Family: Amaranthaceae; Pigweed Family

Vegetative Characteristics: 

Seedling: cotyledons glabrous, green; hypocotyl glabrous, red or green

Stems: erect, branched, up to 2.0 m tall, glabrous below, villous above

Leaves: alternate, simple, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, margins entire, petioles slender

Reproductive Characteristics: 

Inflorescences: monoecious, crowded terminal spike with axillary clusters; bracts rigid, two to three times length of sepals; pistillate sepals 2.0-3.0 mm long, oblong usually larger than utricle; staminate flowers scarious, 1-nerved

Fruits: utricle, subglobous or compressed-ovoid, numerous per spike, wrinkled when dry, equal to or shorter than sepals, circumscissile dehiscent. 

Seeds: circular or oval, black, lustrous

Special Identifying Features:

⇒ erect summer annual; bracts rigid, longer than sepals; utricle circumscissile dehiscent; spikes thinner than Amaranthus retroflexus