Leafy Spurge; Euphorbia esula
Family: Euphorbiaceae; Spurge Family
Vegetative Characteristics:
Seedling: Cotyledons linear, glabrous, grayish green; leaves alternate, appearing opposite at first
Stems: erect, simple to few-branched glabrous, sap milky
Leaf: alternate, linear, glabrous, margins entire or slightly waxy, milky sap
Reproductive Characteristics:
Inflorescences: terminal open umbels, terminal clusters
Fruits: capsule, 2.5-3.5 mm long, 3 locules, each with 1 seed
Seeds: oblong or elliptical-oval, smooth, silvery gray to yellow-brown
Special Identifying Features:
⇒ Stems simple, unbranched, milky sap; flowers in terminal umbel, greenish yellow