The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


OSU Weed Science Field Research Results – 2021


21FALLSOY1 NuFarm Fall Herbicides for Dandelion, and Winter Annuals
21FALLSOY2 UPL Fall and Spring Burndown No-Tillage Soybeans Yield Results
21PANTHERNT Panther and Panther MTZ Burndown and Residual
21RRXNT Reviton and Valent Actives in No-Till Xtend Soybeans Yield Results
21REVITONII Reviton Soybean Burndown
21WINFIELD WinField metribuzin + sulfentrazone formulation
21RRXPRENT Dicamba paired soil residual in No-Till Soybean
21A23372A A23372A: Crop Tolerance and Efficacy in Conv. Till Soybean
21FMCSOY Soybean Residual with FMC Products
21ENLISTSOY Enlist Soybean Herbcide Programs
21BASFSOY Zidua Pro Soybean Residual Vs. Competitors
21AMVACPRE Preemergence Efficacy of AMVAC Soybean Herbicides
21AMVACPO AMVAC Postemergence Soybean Herbicide Programs
21SOYRES Soybean Residuals for the Control of Waterhemp
21SOYRESDV Soybean Residuals for the Control of Waterhemp II
21ZONEDEF Zone Defense Efficacy and Crop Safety in Soybeans
21LIBSURF Glufosinate Interactions with GARRCO Surfactants
21GARRSOY Glyphosate/Glufosinate Tank-mix Interactions
21DOSE Glyphosate/Glufosinate Dose Response
21WARHL Warrant High Load Crop Safety and Efficacy
21SOYYLD Soybean Trait Systems Yield Results


21POWERMAX3 Roundup PowerMax 3 Formulation
21QUIZ+FENOX Quizalafop – Fenoxaprop Combination
21REVBURN Reviton Burndown Large Marestail


21FALLCORN1 UPL – Fall and Spring Burndown Programs Corn Yield Results
21UPLCORN UPL – Burndown and Residual Programs in Corn Yield Results
21V10494NT V10494 Crop Tolerance and Efficacy No-Till Corn
21REVITONC1 Reviton Burndown Programs in Corn I
21HELMMAXX Helm Maxx Programs in No-Till Corn
21ACURONGT Acuron GT Weed Control and Crop Tolerance Yield Results
21CORNSHOW Showcase Weed Control Programs in Corn Yield Results
21AMVACCRN AMVAC Corn Portfolio Showcase Trial
21RESTRAINT Restraint Crop Safey and Weed Control
21V10494PO V10494 Crop Tolerance and Efficacy in Con. Till Corn Yield Results
21SHIELDEX Shieldex Crop Safety and Weed Control
21BCS720 BCS720 Efficacy and Crop Safety in Corn
21IMPACTCORE Impact Core Crop Safety and Performance



21SOYMIX   Cover Crop Mixtures for Soybean Yield Results
21GREENPLANT Cover Crop Mixtures Green Plant in Soybean Yield Results
21RWBCOVER Rye, Wheat and Barley as Cover Crops in Soybean Yield Results