OSU Weed Science Field Research Results – 2014
14FALLSOY1 | Fall Weed Control in Soybean I | |
14FALLSOY2 | Fall Burndown plus Residual in Soybean II | |
14FALLBURN1 | Fall Burdown plus Residual in Soybean III | |
14TRIVENCE | Trivence Burndown Crop Response and Weed Control | |
14NTBURN | No-Till Burndown and Residual Control of Marestail | Yield Results |
14MVS | Residual Control of Marestail in No-Till Soybean | |
14ERICARES | Marestail Residual Control with dicamba | |
14NTLIBERTY | Liberty Link Soybean Efficacy and Residual in No-Till Soy | |
14DUPONTPRE | Preemergence applications of DPX R5W13 | |
14PRES1 | V-10364 Pre in Conventional Till soybean | |
14PRES3 | MOC for Various Soybean Herbicide Advancement | |
14WARRANT | Residual Weed Control and Crop Safety in RR2Y Soybeans | |
14PRPOS1 | Pre and POST Herbicide Efficacy in Soybeans | Yield Results |
14PREPOS2 | PRE and POST Herbicide Efficacy in Soybeans II | Yield Results |
14SOYYLD1 | Early Postemergence in Soybeans | Yield Results |
14SOYYLD2 | PRE and POST Programs for NON-GMO Soybeans | Yield Results |
14MONTIPS | Effect of Droplet Size on Efficacy with Roundup | |
14ANRYECC | Annual Rye Cover Crop for Soybeans | Yield Results |
14CERRYECC | Cereal Rye Cover Crop for Soybeans | Yield Results |
14USBCOVER | Cover Crops for amaranth Weed Control in Soybean | Yield Results |
14USBROW | USB Row Spacing Study in Soybean | Yield Results |
14USBTILLAGE | USB Tillage Study for amaranth Weed Control | |
14USBEMERGE | Amaranth Emergence Patterns | |
14DBLSOY | Weed Control in Double Crop Soybean |
14NTC1 | Weed Control in No-Till Corn 1 | |
14PREC1 | Acuron Herbicide for Weed Control and Corn Tolerance | Yield Results |
14PRPOC1 | Bayer Northern Weed Management Programs | Yield Results |
14PRPOC2 | Weed Control Programs with Instigate | |
14PRPOC3 | PRE fb POST Weed Control in Corn III | Yield Results |
14PRPOC4 | Corvus fb DiFlexx Weed Control in Corn | Yield Results |
14PRPOC5 | BASF Corn Program Approaches | Yield Results |
14BALBEAN | Weed Control Programs for Balance Bean in Corn | |
14EPOC1 | Weed Control Programs in Corn with Anthem and Anthem ATZ | Yield Results |
14POC1 | Impact Programs on Weed Control and Yield of Field Corn | Yield Results |
14FMCDEMO | FMC Soybean Residual Herbicide Effects on Cover Crops |
14USBPRE | Program Approaches for Managing Pigweed | |
14USBRES | Residual Programs for Managing Pigweed | |
14COBRABG | Giant Ragweed Control with Cobra and Dicamba Combinations | |
14FIERCERD | Marestail control with Fierce and dicamba programs | |
14FIERCE24D | Marestail control with Fierce and 2,4-D programs | |
14SYNBG | Syngenta bareground treatments for residual amaranth control | |
14WHEATSTUB | Horseweed Burndown in Wheat Stuble | |
14WHTSTUB2 | Horseweed Burndown in Wheat Stuble II |
14WHEAT | No-Till Wheat Horseweed Management | |
14WHEAT2 | Weed control and crop response in wheat |