OSU Weed Science Field Research Results – 2013
13FALLSOY1 | Fall Weed Control in Soybean I | |
13FALLSOY2 | Fall Burndown plus Residual in Soybean II | Yield Results |
13FALLSOY3 | Fall Burdown plus Residual in Soybean III | |
13FALLBURN2 | Fall Burndown with 2,4-D and dicamba | |
13FALLBURN3 | Fall Burndown of Horseweed | |
13UPI | Spring Burndown plus POST Weed Control in Soybean | |
13NTBURN | No-Till Burndown with DPX R5W13 | |
13NTBURN2 | Gly-Res Horeseweed Burndown Programs | Yield Results |
13NTBURN3 | Zidua vs. Competitor Products in No-Till Soybean | |
13NTS1 | DuPont No-Till Soybean Product Combinations | |
13MATADOR | Weed Control with Matador S and Intimidator | |
13NU102 | Weed Control in No-Till Soybean with Panther | |
13MMA | Horseweed Split Residual Applications | |
13MVS | Residual Horseweed Control with Metribuzin Combinations | |
13PRES1 | Valor PRE and Premixes with Fierce | |
13PREPOS1 | Statement PRE in Soybeans | Yield Results |
13PREPOS2 | Pre fb Post Weed Control in Soybean | Yield Results |
13SOYYLD1 | Authority, Anthem, Command Pre fb Post Soybean | |
13SOYYLD2 | Cadet & Marvel + Roundup Early POST | |
13POS1 | Tankmix Products with Warrant POST | |
13PREYLD | Valent PRE vs. Competitors | Yield Results |
13R5W13 | DPX R5W13 Preemergence in Soybean | |
13RESPOST | Postemergence Residual Trial | |
13AGH11021 | AGH 11021 Burndown in Soybean | |
13USBROW | USB Row Spacing and Population Study | Yield Results |
13NTC1 | Weed Control in No-Till Corn 1 | Yield Results |
13NTC2 | Weed Control in No-Till Corn with Crusher and Harrow | |
13NTC3 | Authority MTZ Corn Burndown Trial | Yield Results |
13PREC1 | Weed Control Programs in Corn with Zidua | |
13BASF2PASS | BASF 2 Pass Programs in Corn | |
13PRPOC1 | PRE fb POST Weed Control Programs in Corn I | Yield Results |
13PRPOC2 | Weed Control Programs with Insitgate | |
13PRPOC3 | Weed Control Programs in Corn with Anthem and Anthem ATZ | Yield Results |
13PRPOC4 | Weed Control Programs in Corn IV | Yield Results |
13PRPOC5 | Impact One Pass and Two Pass in Corn | Yield Results |
13LLC1 | Liberty with Auxins and Nozzle Type |
13USBPRE | Program Approaches for Managing Pigweed | |
13USBRES | Residual Programs for Managing Pigweed | |
13BW1 | Winfield AMS alternatives for glyphosate and dicamba | |
13BW2 | Winfield AMS alternatives for glyphosate and 2,4-D | |
13BAREXTEND | RRXTEND Bareground Residual Trial |
13WHEAT | No-Till Wheat Horseweed Management |