OSU Weed Science Field Research Results – 2011
11FALLBURN1 | Autumn Super and Tank Mixes/Soybean/Winter Annual Weeds | |
11FALLBURN2 | Fall Vs. Spring Marestail Control | Yield Results |
11FALLSOY1 | Authority XL Soybeans Fall Programs | Yield Results |
11FALLSOY2 | Clomazone + Sulfentrazone Soybeans Fall Application | Yield Results |
11FALLSOY3 | Authority XL/Authority Assist/Authority MTZ Soybeans Fall Application | Yield Results |
11FALLHOWE(WARS1) | Fall Horseweed Burndown and Residual Control I | |
11FALLHOWE(WARS2) | Fall Horseweed Burndown and Residual Control II | |
11FALLHOWE2 | Fall and Spring Horseweed Brundown and Residual Control | |
11FALLHOWE3 | Fall/Spring Residual Control of Horseweed | |
11LLHOWE(WARS) | Horseweed Burndown and Residual Control in Liberty Link Soybeans | |
11IGNITETIMING | Ignite Burndown Timing Study | |
11SOYDEMO | BASF Get the Most Out of Every Soybean Acre | Yield Results |
11NTSYLD | Evaluate Residual Control of Zidua | Yield Results |
11NTS1 | Tank-Mix Options for Horseweed Control with Kixor Preplant Burndown | |
11NTS2 | Tank-Mix and Timing Horseweed Control with Kixor and Linuron | |
11NTS3 | Glyphosate/Kixor/2,4-D/Metribuzin Plus Adjuvants for Horseweed | |
11NTS4 | Kixor Plus MSO Rates @ 10 and 20 GPA | |
11NTS5 | 2,4-D Rates and Timing in No-Till Soybeans | |
11NTS6 | Broadleaf Weed Control with Cadet in Soybeans | Yield Results |
11NTS7 | Kixor Applied Preplant Burndown | |
11AGNIQUESOY | Agnique Field Study | |
11PRES1 | Alert Applied PRE to Soybeans | Yield Results |
11PRES2 | Valor, Valor XLT, and Fierce Weed Control | |
11PREPOS1 | PRE fb POST Soybean Weed Control | |
11POS1 | Postemergence Weed Control in Soybeans I | |
11POS2 | Efficacy and Selectivity of Rhythm and Dawn POST | Yield Results |
11LLSOY | Liberty Link Soybean Weed Control Programs | Yield Results |
11SOYYLD1 | Glyphosate with and without Gly-Force 4-6″ Weeds | Yield Results |
11SOYYLD2 | Glyphosate with and without Gly-Force 10-12″ Weeds | |
11SOYYLD3 | Soybean Yield Trial III | Yield Results |
11SOYYLD4 | Soybean Yield Trial IV | |
11FLEXGTCLK | Control of Glyphosate Resistant Giant Ragweed with Flexstar GT |
11FALLCORN1 | 2010 Corn Authority/Sulfentrazone Fall Programs | Yield Results |
11NTC1 | 2011 Cadet Early Postemergence | Yield Results |
11NTC2 | Fierce Early Preplant Burndown in Roundup Ready Corn | |
11NTC3 | No-Till Burndown and Residual in Corn | |
11PREC1 | Pre Mixtures of Rimsulfuron and Dry Mesotrione | |
11PREC2 | Preemergence Weed Control in Corn with SA Products | |
11PRPOC1 | Pre fb Post Weed Control in Corn I | |
11PRPOC2 | Weed Control with Realm Q Systems | |
11PRPOC3 | Non Atrazine Premixes for use in Corn | |
11PRPOC4 | Impact Sequential Programs and Comparisons | |
11MWREG | Midwest Corn Herbicide Systems Demonstration | Yield Results |
11PYRXCRN | F9310 Corn Herbicide Weed Management Programs | |
11BYR1PASS | Bayer One Pass Weed Management Programs | |
11BYR1PASSCLK | Bayer One Pass Weed Management Programs (Clarksburg) | |
11BYR2PASS | Bayer Two Pass Weed Management Programs | |
11BYR2PASSCLK | Bayer Two Pass Weed Management Programs (Clarksburg) | |
11SYN1PASS | Syngenta One Pass Programs for Weed Control in Corn | Yield Results |
11SYN2PASS | Syngenta Two Pass Programs for Weed Control in Corn | Yield Results |
11GMOECA | BASF Get the Most Out of Every Corn Acre | Yield Results |
11WHEAT2 | Weed Control Programs in Wheat Bayer/DOW |