The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Palmer amaranth status in Ohio

As of late 2015, Palmer amaranth had been found in at least 11 counties in Ohio.  A “find” can consist of a few plant or a few fields depending upon the county.  Populations are increasing in some counties, but in…

Digital weed ID books now available for all platforms

Our digital books on weed identification are now available for use on all types of devices via iTunes and GooglePlay.  These include “The Ohio State University Guide to Weed Identification“, “Identifying Noxious Weeds of Ohio“, and “Principles of Weed Ecology…

Information on new herbicides and traits

Each fall we provide an article and video on new herbicides to the OSU Pesticide Applicator Training group, for use in recertification by our educators.  The article ends up in the annual recertification proceedings book, and can also be accessed…

OSU Weed Science Field Day – July 8

The 2015 OSU Weed Science Field Day will be held on Wednesday July 8 at the OARDC Western Ag Research Station.  Registration starts at 8:30 and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff and students will start at…

Considerations for managing marestail in a wet spring

In-field video of Dr. Mark Loux explaining late-spring options for control of overwintered marestail.  A follow up to the recent C.O.R.N. article on this subject.  

OSU Weed ID iBook – available now (and free for a while)

Our new iBook, “The Ohio State University Guide to Weed Identification”, is available now on iTunes for download to iPads and Mac computers.  We really think this takes weed ID to a new level, and the photos are outstanding.  Credit…

Herbicide time-lapse videos

Herbicide time-lapse videos

Available now on the the OSU weed science Youtube site.  Cool time-lapse videos showing the effect of various herbicides on weeds.  Not bad work for a bunch of people who figure out how to kill weeds for a living. Click…

The “Then/Again” Marestail Spraying Cycle*

1. FIRST STEP – Spray no fall Herbicide -AGAIN 2. Then wait for spring to burndown and fail – AGAIN 3.  Then  respray burndown & miss Marestail -AGAIN 4. Then  wonder “What do I do now?” – AGAIN 5. Then…

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the new webpage/blog for the OSU weed management group.  We are still trying to figure out how to get the format and content where we want it (obviously).  Let us know if there is specific content you would…