The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


USDA Proposed Herbicide Strategy Webinar

Take Action Webinar Series Week 1 Recording

  • Christy Sprague, Michigan State University – herbicide classification chart
  • Rodrigo Werle, University of Wisconsin-Madison – pre-herbicides, waterhemp & giant ragweed

Take Action Webinar Series Week 2 Recording

  • Aaron Hager, University of Illinois – effective long-term management of waterhemp
  • Travis Legleiter, University of Kentucky – spray deposition factors

Take Action Webinar Series Week 3 Recording

  • Pat Tranel, University of Illinois – metabolism-based resistance, multiple resistance, etc.
  • Amit Jhala, University of Nebraska – pollen-mediated gene flow and transfer of herbicide-resistance

Take Action Webinar Series Week 4 Recording

  • Tom Peters, North Dakota State University – status of research on electricity methods
  • John Wallace, Penn State University – cover crops and weed management

Take Action Webinar Series Week 5 Recording

  • Bryan Young, Purdue University – drift retardants, volatility
  • Bill Johnson, Purdue University – mixing & antagonism, volunteer corn issues

Take Action Webinar Series Week 6 Recording

  • Kevin Bradley, University of Missouri – status of on-combine seed destruction technologies
  • Joe Ikley, North Dakota State University – Enlist mixing issues

Take Action Webinar SeriesWeek 7 Recording

  • Mandy Bish, University of Missouri – inversions, weather effects on dicamba
  • Bryan Young, Purdue University – dicamba off-target movement research