OSU Weed Science Field Research Results – 2016
16FALLSOY1 | FMC Fall Weed Control in Soybean I | Yield Results |
16BRASHMET | Fall Horseweed Control with Brash and metribuzin | |
16SHREDMET | Fall Horseweed Control with Shredder and metribuzin | |
16DTSNTS1 | Engenia Weed Control in No-Till Xtend Soybean | Yield Results |
16DTSNTS2 | Valent Xtend No-Till Soybean Weed Control Programs | |
16NTLIBBURN | No-Till Liberty Burndown + Residual | Yield Results |
16AMVPRENT | Scepter Tank-mixes for Preplant No-till Soybean | |
16MULTIMOA | Multiple MOA Programs in No-till Soybeans | Yield Results |
16TANKMIX | Tankmix Burndown marestail option | |
16MULTMOA2 | Multiple MOA Programs in No-Till LL Soybeans | Yield Results |
16PRES1 | MOC + Partners, Valent PRE Conv-till Soybeans | |
16PREWIN1 | Winfield metribuzin Formulation Trial | |
16PREWIN2 | Winfield metribuzin Comparisons | |
16BOLT | BOLT Technology, Herbicide Programs | |
16UPILL1 | Interline + Residuals in Soybean | |
16UPILL2 | KFD 240-01 SMOC + metribuzin Vs. Boundary | |
16PREPOSTLL | Valent PRE and POST Treatments in Liberty Link Soybeans | |
16PREPOSTLL2 | BAYER Liberty, Increased Rates, Efficacy and Tolerance | |
16AMVLL | Scepter POST Tank Mixes for Liberty Link Soybeans | |
16EHLRRLL | Overlapping Residual Comparisons in RR and LL Soybeans | Yield Results |
16SHOWCASE | Conventional Tillage Soybean Showcase Treatments | Yield Results |
16PREPOSTRR | Monsanto Market Development Soybean Treatments | Yield Results |
16VALENTX | Valent Xtend Soybean Programs | |
16FMCDTS | FMC Xtend Soybean Programs | |
16PUDTS | Xtend Soybean Buffer Zone Programs | Yield Results |
16AMVVOLC | Scepter Tank Mixtures for Control of Volunteer Corn | |
16VOLCORN | Select Max – Dicamba Interaction on Volunteer Corn |
16FALLCORN1 | Authority Sulfentrazone Fall Corn Programs | Yield Results |
16NTC1 | Valetrex Spring Burndown and Residual Control | |
16NTC2 | Syngenta No-Till Corn Burndown | |
16OSUNTC | No-Till Corn Burndown and Residual Control | |
16LIBERICA | Liberty Burndown | |
16BAYEREPOC | Diflexx EPO Efficacy and Tolerance in Corn | |
16BAYERPOC1 | Diflexx Duo MPO Efficacy and Tolerance in Corn | |
16BAYERPOC2 | Capreno/Tembotrione/Glufosinate Corn Residual | |
16BASFCORN | BASF Corn 1 Vs. 2 Pass Programs | |
16PREC1 | Syngenta Preemergence Weed Control in Corn | Yield Results |
16PRPOC1 | Two Pass and Early Post Weed Control in Corn | Yield Results |
16BAYERCORN | Bayer Corn Herbicide Programs | Yield Results |
16FMCCORN | Anthem Maxx / Anthem ATZ Pre Post Combinations in Corn | Yield Results |
16BASFEPOC | Armezon Pro Tank Mix Partners Efficacy | Yield Results |
16IMPACT | Impact for Performance and Safety in Corn | Yield Results |
16WINCORN | AG 13063 Comparison and Performance |
16DCPRRXNT | Dicamba in No-Till Two Pass DCP programs in RR2X Soybeans | |
16DCPRRXCT | DuPont Crop Protection Xtend Soybean Programs | |
16MONRRXNT | Monsanto Competitive Efficacy – Gly Resistant Horseweed | |
16OSUFALL1 | OSU Fall/Spring Treatments for Horseweed Control in Enlist Soybean | |
16OSUFALL2 | OSU Fall/Spring Treatments for Horseweed Control in Xten Soybean | |
16CALERICA | Callisto Residual Horseweed Control Applied EPP |
16WHEAT1 | Fall Weed Control and Tolerance with Afforia | |
16MALT1 | Weed Control in Spring Barley | Yield Results |
16MALT2 | Weed Control in Spring Barley Late Planting | Yield Results |