Existing Stocks Order for Dicamba Issued by EPA

Last week, registration of the three dicamba products labeled for over-the-top applications (OTT) in soybean were vacated by a federal court in Arizona. Read more about this in our previous blog post, “Dicamba registration vacated”.

Yesterday, the EPA issued an existing stocks order, which stated that dicamba ordered, packaged, and ready for shipment prior to the registration vacation can be sold and used in the upcoming growing season. In Ohio, the dates for sale and use of existing stocks of XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium for use on dicamba-tolerant soybean (in possession as of February 6th, 2024) are as follows:

  • May 31st, 2024 – last date for sale and distribution
  • June 30th, 2024 – last date for use

Several folks have reached out with questions regarding the use of these products preemergence. At present, preemergence applications remain legal and only OTT applications are in question.

You can read the full EPA existing stocks order at this link.