
In order to make OSUsed a success, those working achieve its goals must be well-qualified. Their qualifications include:

  • The students leading the project are students at The Ohio State University and have experienced the needs of winter attire, professional attire, and OSU gear for school spirit and sporting events.  Due to their experience, they have vast knowledge on what other students would want in an app and clothing and/or accessories.
  • The Ohio State University boasts a very strong computer science program with knowledgeable staff and faculty.  Putting together a team led by one of these faculty members with a handful of computer science students will lead to an app that is easy to use while also secure and safe.
  • The Ohio Union at The Ohio State University provides both sellers and buyers using OSUsed a central location with a secure exchange system. 
  • Finally, there are over 60,000 students at The Ohio State University so there is a wide population that can be reached. This gives OSUsed a great chance to have success since there is such a diverse population at OSU and so many students that need help finding attire for specific situations.