Dr. Garcia-Guerra
ANIMSCI 4002.01/4002.02 Beef Cattle Production and Management
This course is focused on providing students an understanding of beef production from both a local and global perspective; incorporation of knowledge gained in the disciplines of physiology, genetics, nutrition and reproduction into management practices for a successful and sustainable beef production enterprise; and increasing student awareness of consumer demands and the current challenges faced by the beef industry. This course includes selected invited speakers from industry, producer organizations, extension specialists, veterinarians and researchers to provide students with expert knowledge in specific areas and allowed them to establish connections with industry leaders. This a 3-credit hour course offered in the Spring semester.
ANIMSCI 6060 Advanced Reproductive Physiology
This graduate level course has been developed utilizing distance learning and in collaboration with 12 land grant universities as part of the United States Department of Agriculture Hatch Multistate Project NE1727: Influence of ovary, uterus, and embryo on pregnancy success in ruminants. The course provides instruction on several core reproductive processes in mammals delivered by experts who work with students in exploring and subsequently discussing primary reproductive literature and new emerging technologies in reproduction. This a 3-credit hour course offered in the Fall semester on alternate years.