NOTE: Beginning September 2018, all faculty, staff and students who have not yet completed RCR training, continued access to certain university systems and processes related to research will be suspended until RCR training is completed. This includes, but is not limited to, submission of IBC, IRB, and IACUC protocols and amendments; new project award set-up; project amendment processing and access to certain internal funding programs.
Mandatory CITI RCR Course can be found here.
CARE Training Program in the Responsible Conduct of Research The program involves 8 discussion-based training sessions per semester utilizing a “flipped classroom model”: participants will watch a video of a related CARE panel discussion and read a curated set of readings prior to engaging in substantive face-to-face discussions of case studies that highlight the distinctive ethical challenges facing researchers. Learn more
Additional Resources
NOTE: Faculty and staff with at least a 75% FTE appointment are eligible for tuition assistance.
GRADSCH 8000 Responsible Conduct of Research is designed to satisfy National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF) requirements for training in the responsible conduct of research (RCR). The course seeks to provide a practical overview of the rules, regulations, and professional practices that define the responsible conduct of research. This course is graded S/U.
Credits: 1
BIOMEDE 6983 Introduction to professional and ethical issues confronting biomedical research and researchers and approaches to dealing with such issues. Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor.
Credits: 2
Recent Professors: Alan Litsky
MEDCOLL 5000 Within research, ethics is considered to be the safeguard of both the researcher and the participant. This course will examine cases which hold to demonstrate this statement. It will analyze a complex system of policies and regulations that govern human subject research and scientific integrity. This class also satisfies the basic components of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) education. This course is graded S/U.
Credits: 1
Recent Professors: Ioan Beldean, Alan Litsky
VISSCI 7960 Provides a general understanding of the issues surrounding the ethical conduct of science including issues related to research involving human subjects, scientific misconduct, and authorship of scientific papers. Real-life case studies will be used. This course is graded S/U.
Credits: 2
Recent Professors: Karla Zadnik
Pharmacy 8520 – Research Ethics Basic concepts of integrity in the process of research. The course covers all areas of responsible conduct of research including mentor/trainee roles, data management, animal use, human subjects. Often offered May term. The course fulfills NIH requirement for research ethics. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs. This course is progress graded (S/U)
Vision Science 7960 – Ethics in Biomedical Research Provides a general understanding of the issues surrounding the ethical conduct of science including issues related to research involving human subjects, scientific misconduct, and authorship of scientific papers. Real-life case studies will be used. 2 units.
Nursing 7781: Responsible Conduct of Research Concepts and policies for the responsible conduct of research (RCOR), Institutional Review Boards, and
dissemination of findings. 3 credits Autumn/Spring. ONLINE.
Webcast from the NIH: Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research This is a live webcast that the CCTS hosts every Fall. The sessions are typically Wednesday mornings from mid-September to November. Participants watch the webcasts and take part in discussions. Attain certification by attending 6 of 7 sessions and completing evaluations and pre- and post-tests. More information:
Biomedical Engineering 6983 – Research Ethics Introduction to professional and ethical issues confronting biomedical research and researchers and approaches to dealing with such issues. Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor. 2 units.
Comparative Studies 6750.02 – Fieldwork and Ethnography of Communication Introduction to fieldwork and ethnographic writing in the humanities – interviewing, participant observation, and research ethics. Focus on the ethnography of communication and community representations. Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor. 3 units
Surgery 8814 – Responsible Conduct of Research: Human Participants and the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research Responsible conduct of research with human participants and the use of animals in biomedical research is crucial to maintaining the public trust in both the results and the methods of biomedical research. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs. 2 units