Better Research through Better Mentoring for Postdocs

June 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2021
(detailed agenda below)
Online via Zoom (links sent upon registration)

Strong mentorship has been linked to enhanced mentee productivity, self-efficacy, career satisfaction, and is an important predictor of the academic success of scientists and engineers in training. The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) has developed a curriculum based on proven mentorship development curricula.

Federal funding agencies are calling for evidence-based development of mentoring skills as an important component of successful grant proposals. By participating in this workshop postdocs will develop and/or enhance their mentoring skills and receive resources and materials to support effective mentoring.

Attendance is limited to 30 people from any discipline although many of the case studies come from STEM fields.

Please note that this online workshop series also has two asynchronous components that will be pre-recorded and sent to participants to watch independently: Promoting Professional Development, Articulating Your Mentoring Plan


Monday, June 7

  • 12 – 1          Icebreaker and Intro
  • 1 – 2            Aligning Expectations

Monday, June 14

  • 12 – 1         Fostering Independence
  • 1-2             Assessing Understanding

Monday, June 21

  • 1-2             Effective Communication

Monday, June 28

  • 12 – 1         Promoting Professional Development
  • 1-2             Articulating Your Mentoring Plan