Instructions for DOSU/RMT Postdoc Mentors

  • Please go here at your earliest convenience to confirm your participation in DOSU/RMT. Please also keep using this table to allow us to track the progress of hiring and working with the student.
  • Please contact your departmental HR person and ask what are the steps that need to be followed to hire the student and provide them our funding information, which will be sent to you. If possible, please ask the department to have you be the one approving the time sheets. If you are not familiar with approving time, please ask your department to send you information about the process. Then contact the student and include:
    1. An outline of the steps to follow in the hiring process
    2. The name of the HR person that will contact them
    3. A timeline for the hiring process
    4. A copy of the mentoring compact signed by you (see below more about the mentoring compact)

Please copy when you contact the student. Also, inform the OPA of the progress made by indicating here what you have already done.

  • Discuss (if necessary) the mentoring compact with your student. Signed compacts are due to OPA.
  • Please read the RMT manual and indicate here that you have done so.

Go here to find:

  • DOSU Mentor Manual
  • Ohio State Undergraduate Resources
  • Mentoring Compact templates

Upcoming deadlines