Understanding My LASSI Score

How do I interpret my LASSI scores?


When you complete the LASSI you will receive a graph you can print out. It will look like this:

pic of graph



If scores range from 0-50 percent:

A score below 50 percent indicates that students must improve their study skills to avoid serious problems with succeeding in college. Students who score below 50 percent in three areas, they are encouraged to speak to a study skills counselor or attend one of the Center’s learning skills workshops.


If scores range from 50-75:

A score from 50-75 indicates that a student may benefit from improving strategies in these areas.


If scores range from 75-100:

A score from 75-100 indicates that a student may not have to give a high priority to improving strategies in these areas, but the online modules may help students acquire new skills or ideas to further enhance learning.

Students are advised to check their “Anxiety Scale” on the print out (these scores are inverted.) If the percentile is high—from 50 to 100—this means you are not anxious about your studies. If you score low—from 0 to 50—it means that you are very anxious about your studies. Stress management for test anxiety and test preparation workshops may be useful.

Click for  an explanation of the 3 components of the LASSI

Click for an explanation of the 10 scales of the LASSI