Highland County Fair to be featured at the Farm Science Review

Maddie Caldwell walking her pig through the hog barn, “Esme” being shown by the Roehm sisters in the Southdown Sheep breeding show (Photo by Mindy Bobb), and the Highland County tractor pull will each be shown in the iFarm Immersive Theatre at the 2021 Farm Science Review.






Brooke Beam, Ph.D

Agriculture and Natural Resource/Community Development Extension Educator

Ohio State University Extension, Highland County


September 15, 2021


The Farm Science Review will be held next week at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center on September 21-23. The annual agricultural education and industry exposition offers attendees the ability to learn about a wide variety of agricultural and natural resource related topics, as well as see the latest in agricultural technologies.

Highland County youth and scenes from the Highland County Fair tractor pull will be featured as immersive experiences in the iFarm Immersive Theatre. Swine, sheep, poultry, cattle, and rabbits will be featured in the County Fair Showcase: Featuring Highland County. The Highland County Fair tractor pull will be featured in Truck and Tractor Pulling 101. Both of these virtual experiences were filmed at the 2021 Highland County Fair.

The iFarm Immersive Theatre is a new attraction that provides a similar experience to viewing a planetarium or an IMAX theater, where the video is projected around the viewer. In total, there will be 18 different virtual experiences attendees can participate in. Other immersive experiences include an aerial tour of part of Ohio, a variety of equipment demonstrations, crop dusting, hydroponics and aquaponics, specialty crops, and natural habitats.

Tickets for the Farm Science Review are available at the Highland County Extension Office. Contact the Highland County Extension Office by calling 937-393-1918. Tickets purchased in advance at the Highland County Extension Office are $7. Tickets purchased at the Farm Science Review gate are $10.

For those who are unable to attend the Farm Science Review next week, the virtual experiences will be posted online in the coming week. Those wishing to view the immersive experiences online will be able to find them at the Ohio State University Extension, Highland County YouTube Channel and Facebook. Additionally, many of the educational sessions will be available to view through the Farm Science Review YouTube Channel. A selection of presentations that will be broadcast through the Farm Science Review YouTube Channel include carbon credits, field demonstrations, and the latest Farm Office Live programming.

Unusual Fall Armyworm Outbreaks are Taking Many by Surprise

Reposed from: https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2021-29/unusual-fall-armyworm-outbreaks-are-taking-many-surprise

We have received an unusual number of reports about fall armyworm outbreaks particularly in forage including alfalfa and sorghum sudangrass, and in turf.  Certain hard-hit fields have been all but stripped bare (Figure 1).

True or common armyworm is a different species than the fall armyworm.  The true armyworm is the species that causes problems in cereal crops in the spring of the year. Fall armyworm migrates into Ohio during the summer and could cause problems into late summer. It is not or maybe we should say has not typically been a problem in Ohio. Also, unlike the true armyworm that only feeds on grasses (i.e., corn, wheat, forage grasses), the fall armyworm has well over 100 different types of plants upon which it feeds including many grasses but also alfalfa, soybeans, beets, cabbage, peanuts, onion, cotton, pasture grasses, millet, tomato, and potato. Obviously, a few of these crops are not produced in Ohio, but several of them are. As a result, we encourage farmers to be aware of feeding damage in their fields, especially forage crop fields that’s where a lot of the action seems to be right now.

fall armyworm1

Figure 1. Fall armyworm feeding damage. Photo by James Morris, OSU Extension

Fall armyworms are much easier to kill when they are smaller, and feeding accelerates rapidly as they grow, so early detection is important.  Look for egg masses glued not only to vegetation but to structures like fence posts.  Egg masses have a fluffy-looking cover (Figure 2).  When the cover is peeled back, eggs are pearly and tan when new, and turn darker as they approach egg-hatch.

Fall armyworm caterpillars vary in color from greenish to tan to dark brown with stripes along the body.  They can be easily confused with other species, but a good identifier is an inverted white “Y” shape behind the head. (Figure 3). Another species, true armyworm, feeds at night but fall armyworm will feed during the day.


Figure 2. Fall armyworm egg mass, with cover peeled back. Photo by Ric Bessin, University of Kentucky.

Insecticides will not penetrate egg masses well; it’s best to spray caterpillars when they are less than ¾ inches long, at which point most armyworm-labeled pyrethroids will kill them reasonably well.  For larger caterpillars, products containing chlorantraniliprole will provide longer residual which may help with control of the harder-to-kill caterpillars over ¾ inches.

In forages, a threshold that can be used is 2-3 fall armyworm larvae per sq foot.  If larvae are smaller (less than ¾ inch), they can still do a lot of feeding and are worth treating with an insecticide application. An early cut can help limit damage to the alfalfa, but one must check the field for survivors.  If survivors are abundant, an insecticide application may be warranted to protect nearby fields.  Armyworms get their name from moving in large bodies (marching) to new feeding areas.


Figure 3. Fall armyworm caterpillar, with an inverted “Y” near the head. Photo by James Morris, OSU Extension

In corn, armyworms can randomly feed on leaves, with holes occurring throughout the leaf surface. The more damaging stage is when they feed on developing silks and kernels after entering the ear. Once they enter the ear, control by insecticides is much more difficult.  Most Bt corn varieties with above ground protection is labelled for armyworm control, but resistance to several Bt traits has appeared in the US.  While we have not found Bt resistance in armyworms in Ohio, we would recommend growers scout ALL corn (Bt or non-Bt) for any evidence of damage or resistance. If feeding is found, please contact us (tilmon.1@osu.edu, or michel.70@osu.edu) or your local extension educator.

Fall armyworm does not overwinter in Ohio.  Moths come up from the South early in the season and temporarily colonize the area, especially in grassy areas.  The current caterpillars are second generation.  If we have a warm fall we could possibly see a problem third generation, especially in forage, cover crops, and winter wheat planted before the fly-free date (see Figure 4). Because of this, scouting for fall armyworm should continue for the rest of the season. Closely observe hay and pasture crops even after cutting or grazing, especially where the crop was heavily damaged. Additional treatment later might be necessary. Moths prefer light-colored surfaces for egg-laying. Check fence rails, fence posts, and tree limbs in and around pastures and hayfields


Figure 4. Fly Free Dates in Ohio. Wheat planted after this date have lower risks of damage from Hessian Fly as well as other pests, including fall armyworm and aphids that spread wheat viruses

Please visit the Forages chapter in the Michigan State/Ohio State Field Crops Insect Pest Management Guide for management notes and labeled insecticides in forages.  https://aginsects.osu.edu/sites/aginsects/files/imce/MSU%20-%20OSU%20Insect%20IPM%20Guide.pdf

Hay fields that are near harvest should be harvested now, and then the regrowth closely monitored for fall armyworm activity. In Kentucky, the fall armyworms have been reported to be present in hayfields after harvesting the crop off. This and the fact that we could get another generation are reason to continue monitoring closely.

Badly damaged alfalfa or grass hay fields should be cut and then rested the rest of this fall with no fall cutting. Fertilize according to soil test recommendations. Monitor the regrowth closely to catch any re-infestation that occurs. Established alfalfa should come back from fall armyworm damage. Recovery of the cool-season perennial grasses will depend on the relative severity of the damage, the overall health of the stand going into the infestation, and how many young tillers were not consumed. It is hard to predict how they will recover, time will tell.


C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.

See the iFarm Immersive Theatre at the 2021 Farm Science Review

Visit the iFarm Immersive Theatre, sponsored by Ohio Farm Bureau and Nationwide, at the 2021 Farm Science Review. The Farm Science Review will be held on September 21-23, 2021. There will be nearly 20 different virtual experiences you can see in the iFarm Immersive Theatre, ranging from equipment demonstrations, beekeeping, to wildlife habitats. There is something for everyone to see!
Farm Science Review tickets are available at the Highland County Extension Office. Tickets purchased in advance are $7. Tickets purchased at the Farm Science Review gate are $10. Contact the Highland County Extension Office for more information on purchasing tickets.

Farm Science Review is Back – Tickets available at the Highland County Extension Office

LONDON, Ohio — Ever want to climb into the cockpit of a plane and glide over a field? Or get an inside look at a beehive?

At this year’s Farm Science Review Sept. 21–23, visitors will have that chance without leaving the grassy ground under them.

The upcoming, annual farm trade show will offer a series of virtual reality experiences such as operating a crop duster, high-tech planters, combines, and other equipment.

Sitting in the iFarm Immersive Theatre, similar to an IMAX-type theater or planetarium, visitors to FSR can watch videos projected on a domed screen around them. They’ll get an expansive view—a bit wider than peripheral vision—so they can feel as if they’re flying a plane. Or riding a high-tech planter. Or peering into a beehive.

To film the videos, Ohio State University Extension educators mounted cameras to various spots on planters, tractors, combines, and other vehicles, so viewers can get a perspective they wouldn’t normally get.

“It’s a little bit like having a bug’s eye view of all of these places,” said Dr. Brooke Beam, Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator in Highland County. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), which hosts FSR.

One of the videos was taken by drones that flew over fields throughout the state to highlight the variety in Ohio agriculture: different crops, diverse soil types, and an assortment of terrain. Other topics include beekeeping, wildlife habitats, a variety of equipment demonstrations, and pigweed identification.

“Young people will find the technology really enthralling,” said Nick Zachrich, FSR manager. “But also, experienced farmers or producers will get a view they don’t normally get—a view of what someone else is doing. Then, they can see if it might be something useful for their own operations.”

Having an immersive theater experience is one of the new offerings at the upcoming, three-day FSR. Last year, the show was exclusively virtual as a result of the pandemic. This year’s show will be in person, but some talks and demonstrations will be livestreamed from the Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio. And many of the talks will also be recorded so people can watch them online as well from their phones, tablets, or laptops.

A new marketplace pavilion will offer visitors a chance to try products that smaller businesses in food and agriculture are promoting, such as a dairy that might be starting a type of ice cream or a specialty cheese.

In its third year, FSR’s Career Exploration Fair will be both in person and online. On Sept. 22, the in-person career fair will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. During the same time frame on Sept. 24, people can go to fsr.osu.edu for a virtual opportunity to learn about careers in agriculture.

“Being able to be there on-site and part of a crowd will be very inviting to people,” Zachrich said of this year’s show. “It’s a good opportunity to get away from the farm for the day.”

FSR hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 21–22 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 23. Tickets for the event are $7 online and at OSU Extension office in Highland County office. Tickets are $10 at the gate. Children ages 5 and under are free. For tickets and more information about FSR, visit fsr.osu.edu. For more information about the iFarm Immersive Theatre or OSU Extension programming, contact the Highland County Extension office at 937-393-1918.

Beef Quality Assurance Opportunity at Annual Chamber Ag Breakfast, July 16, 2021

Brooke Beam, PhD

Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator

Ohio State University Extension, Highland County


July 8, 2021


If you, or someone you know, has a BQA certification that needs to be renewed, there is an opportunity to recertify this coming Friday, July 16, 2021, at the Highland County Chamber of Commerce’s Ag is Everyone’s Business event. Tickets are $5 for presale, $7 at the gate. Tickets include a breakfast of either a sausage or bacon sandwich, donuts, and a selection of beverages. Tickets are available through the Highland County Chamber of Commerce at 937-393-1111.

Three years ago, we held several BQA certification programs in Highland County. In total, 811 beef producers attended these programs to learn about quality assurance practices in the beef industry. These certifications will be expiring later in 2021.

There may be additional BQA dates scheduled later this year or in 2022, but they have not been scheduled yet. Other options to recertify include taking an online recertification course via bqa.org.

In addition to BQA certifications at the Ag is Everyone’s Business event, there are other speakers who will discuss a variety of topics relevant to Highland County landowners and farmers. There are also workshops planned for youth who are exhibiting or are planning to exhibit livestock. This family friendly program offers something for agricultural producers of all ages.

For more information about the Ag is Everyone’s Business event, contact the Highland County Chamber of Commerce at 937-393-111. For more information about OSU Extension programming, contact the Highland County Extension Office at 937-393-1918.