Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp Open House
Jr Fair Changes for 2024
▪ All beef animals (besides Market Beef for 2024) are required to have EID/840 tags in their ears to show
at the Highland County Fair.
▪ All breeds that Ohio State Fair uses will be added into the breeding show.
▪ Barrow weights will be 205-295 pounds.
▪ All swine animals are required to have EID/840 tags in their ears to show at the Highland County Fair.
• Recognize all sheep state fair breeds for sheep breeding shows.
• Market Lamb and Breeding show will be on Wednesday of the fair, Showmanship and open show will
be on Thursday of the fair.
▪ The minimum weight for market goats is 60 pounds.
▪ There will be an underweight class for those rabbits that don’t make weight, with a minimum of 3
pounds and a maximum of 7 pounds.
▪ Require ear numbers of breeding rabbits be submitted by June 1st, when they are supposed to have
their project, BUT allow them to submit multiple animals as potential ones to be shown.
▪ Add a market pen of 2, born and raised.
▪ All market rabbit exhibitors must print pictures and hand in tattoo sheet for market rabbits by 2nd
Monday in August. Pictures must include rabbit and exhibitor and close up of the tattoo.
▪ There will be a clinic to tattoo market rabbits with pens by persons who have the ability to do so. Clinic
date- Saturday, August 10th from 9AM-1PM in the Rabbit & Poultry Barn.
Jr Fair Building
▪ There will be a registration deadline of August 24th for all the projects in the Jr Fair Building.
▪ There will be a statement in the fair book “ALL exhibits will remain in place until 3:00pm and can be
taken out from 3:00-5:00pm, Saturday (carryout only last day of the fair) or 10:00am-12 noon Sunday
after the fair.
▪ Photography- Clarify rules for “Altered” class: “Photo attached to front”.
▪ Only allow exhibitors to show flowers, other than theme baskets, applies to crops, flowers, garden, and
houseplants that are grown by an immediate family member and follow the family member rule in the Jr
Fair rule section.
All Species
▪ Allow the judge to pick only the top 3 overall showmanship.
▪ All animals that are shown in the Jr Fair shows must be drug free by their species weigh-in.
OME/OBE Skillathon
▪ Held on: Saturday, August 24th from 8am-5pm.
▪ Feel free to email to get results of skillathon scores.
▪ Allow 1 parent or immediate family member to be in the holding areas in the main arena. No other
spectators will be allowed in the holding areas. Once they are warned to leave, then they will be
escorted out of the arena.
▪ The Nutrition Bowl requested a new clicker system, it’ll be purchased if a sponsor is found.
PO Box 564
Hillsboro, OH 45133
Dear Poultry Meat Pen Exhibitor:
Enclosed you will find the poultry order form for the #150 CM chicken, market project for
4-H. You are receiving this form because you have signed up for this project through
your 4-H club or an FFA Chapter. Only 4-H and FFA members are eligible to order
birds. No outside orders or Cloverbuds can purchase birds through this process.
Everyone taking this project to the fair must order their chicks through us. All chicks
come from the same hatchery, so everyone starts out on equal footing. Chicks are
tentatively scheduled to be picked up on Thursday, July 25, 2024, in the evening from
Please complete the enclosed order form and mail it, along with payment, to Highland
County Junior Fair Board, Attention Kaley Fannin, PO Box 564, Hillsboro, OH 45133,
and it MUST be postmarked by June 1, 2024. Checks should be made payable to the
Highland County Jr. Fair Board.
Feel free to call/text if you have any questions, 937-205-5034.
Kaley Fannin
Highland County Jr. Fair Coordinator
Kathy Bruynis
4-H Youth Development Educator
OSU Extension, Highland County
Upcoming summer programs for high school students
High school camp about philosophy and artificial intelligence
The first session of the Philosophy and Critical Thinking (PACT) Summer Camp for high school students will focus on Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence in summer 2024. We explore questions like: Can computer systems be intelligent or conscious? How can AI perpetuate bias and other forms of injustice? Does the potential for super-intelligent AI systems pose an existential threat to humanity? First session runs June 10-14. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Immersive experience in art education
This program offers high school students in grades 9-11 who are starting to think of where they’d like to go to college an opportunity to have a first glance at what it means to be in art education at Ohio State. This day-long program on June 10 offers opportunities for meaningful and insightful engagement with art education faculty, students and curriculum. The high school juniors who attend will also have a chance to learn about admissions, financial aid, scholarships, study abroad opportunities and other resources that are available at the university. Applications are due on May 10.
Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration Program
This program offers middle and high school students one-week intensive enrichment courses intended to introduce them to new areas of study or allow them to engage in content they may already have an interest in. Teaching is active, hands-on and encourages participants to engage with the instructional team and their fellow participants. These courses are not for grade or credit and are designed for self-motivated learners. Applications are due on May 1.
Summer Linguistic Institute for Youth Scholars (SLIYS)
The Summer Linguistic Institute for Youth Scholars (SLIYS) is a one- or two-week online summer program for high school students organized by the Department of Linguistics. SLIYS introduces students with an interest in foreign languages to the scientific study of language. Participants will explore how language works on many levels, as well as gain insight into the ways in which individual languages are similar to and different from each other. Applications are due on May 8.
Humanities & Cognitive Sciences Summer Institute
The annual Humanities and Cognitive Sciences High School Summer Institute is a week-long summer camp from July 22-26 that provides a critical thinking forum for high school students to explore the big questions at the intersection of the humanities and cognitive sciences. High school scholars will spend the mornings with world-renowned professors in lectures and afternoons in group discussions and hands-on activities. They’ll get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a university student while cultivating their passions and building a community of like-minded peers. Applications are due on May 31.
Young Writers Workshop
This is a week-long summer program from July 14-19 for high school students in Columbus City Schools, charter schools in the city of Columbus, and (this year, and possibly beyond) students in public schools across Ohio. Students live on campus and attend daily workshops and courses taught by Ohio State Department of English creative writing faculty, alumni of our graduate MFA program, and current MFA students. There are also readings, sessions with visiting writers in various fields, and other events, including an open mic reading of the participants’ own work, and (of course!) time for their own writing every day. Applications are due on May 1.