The news about the mass shooting in Orlando earlier this month was horrifying. It’s an event that nearly everyone finds impossible to have imagined. Now, its reality is very hard to integrate into our psyches.
That, in part, is why I am so proud of our EHE team who walked and worked the Columbus Pride Festival and Parade last weekend.
I especially want to call out EHE graduate student Jeremy West for recognition. Currently a master’s student in the Family and Consumer Sciences Education program, Jeremy single handedly organized an impressive showing not only for our college but also for EHE’s Phi Upsilon Omicron honorary.
The parade is over. The cause is not.
It is extremely important for all of us in EHE to stand up for the civil rights of all human beings, all of the time. Social justice is just two words on the lips of many; let us make sure that we live and work as socially just individuals every day. I mourn for the LGBTQ community and am sensitive to bigotry perpetrated against all of our marginalized communities.
I invite everyone to join me in stamping out hatred, intolerance and discrimination. As educators, we simply must. We are the role models, the teachers, the researchers and professionals most engaged with our broad community.
Let us join Jeremy and “walk the walk.”