OSU Extension, 4-H Agri-Science in the City and Rothenberg Preparatory Academy are excited, for a second year in a row, to incubate and hatch baby chicks. The process began on February 19th, amid a series of snow days, and will hatch around March 11th. The six dozen eggs (72 eggs) are housed in incubators on three floors at Rothenberg. One incubator is on the ground floor with the Preschool and Kindergarten Students. On the second floor two incubators are in the science lab, the students from the 1st and 2nd grades are helping take care of those eggs. On the third floor the 3rd, 4th and 6th grade science classes are taking care of incubators in each room.
Once the chicks hatch they will stay in the school for one week and then will make it to their new home in Butler County with a 4-H family. The Chick Quest project is done in conjunction with the Life Cycles lessons going on in various classrooms. Student are able to identify that living things require energy, water and a particular range of temperatures in their environment; that living things interact with their physical environments as they meet those needs; and that living things impact the environment in which they live, the environment also impacts living things.