Module 7: Maintaining Motivation

This weeks module focused on motivation and strategies on how to ensure that you stayed motivated throughout the semester. One of the first points in the module discusses how to approach course content and how thinking about applications of the material out of class is a good way to stay engaged with the material.  This situation is something I have struggled with, in some of my courses I’ve asked myself “when am I going to need to know this?” and I think that mentality hurt what I got out of the class and focusing only on the grade makes staying focused on the course very difficult.  Another good point in this module is making sure your environment (physical, social, online) is in check.  By making sure that there are no distractions you have a better shot of focusing on the material and properly engaging with it.  Motivation and productivity go hand in hand and by having both at a good level can make the difference in a course and how one feels during it. The module recommended looking back on what you have done as a sort of marker to motivate yourself. This tip is one that I find helpful because I think that I often find myself getting wrapped up in all the things I currently have going on ,things that are not complete, and I focus on those things not being done to an extent that is harping on myself too much. I think looking back on where I’ve come from and acknowledging what I have achieved is something that is very refreshing and I think I will try to incorporate it into my routine more often. Another important tip the module brings up is to take breaks. This sounds like a simple thing but in my experience is something that I often forget to do and is something that others I know have forgotten about. There is an expectation that one has to pull all-nighters in order to succeed in college but that’s not true. By properly managing time one can get their work done and give themselves break time and free time. I think college students get too wrapped up in their work and it often becomes the only thing they think of so just having the reminder of taking a break is something that can go a long way.  The module also provides a lot of information on services and techniques that can help one reduce their stress.  It mentions a variety of on-campus tools that are free and are very helpful so those who have not checked those out (and think that those services may be relevant to them_ should definitely do so. Overall. this module was one that said a lot of things I think I needed to be reminded of.

Module 5: Educational Videos

This week’s modules focused on educational videos, note taking,  and active listening. Note taking was the first part of the modules and discussed how taking notes can assist one’s learning. It also brought up that note taking comes with benefits such as forcing yourself to go to class which by default lets you take notes and also means that you are more likely to engage with the material and be noticed by your teacher. The modules also discussed that falling behind is not good especially in a college environment and that making sure you are caught up with the material is very important. The module also discussed whether or not you should type or hand write notes. Typing is seen as a fast but sometimes mindless way to take notes and is prone to distractions. Hand writing on the other hand may allow for more information to be written down but less of that information retained.  The conclusion it came to was that both have their benefits and that by using the best of both one is able to maximize information memorized/ learned.  The module also discussed the importance of active listening.  Active listening is more than just listening to what is being said, it also includes predicting what will come next which I think is a good way to engage one’s brain with the material even more.  Overall, this weeks modules gave some good ideas to be aware of when taking notes or being at a lecture in general.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

This week lesson focused on online learning strategies and skills. The first strategy discussed was active reading. Active reading is engaging with the material more so than just reading it. Highlighting,  note taking, quizzing yourself on the material you just read, and creating diagrams are all examples of active reading. By using these methods one is more likely to take away more information and really engage with the material more so than if they had just read the material. The module then focused on memorizing material and studying for tests.  For memorizing content it is important to be conscious of how we remember material. The information processing model is used to explain the  process humans take to memorize information. There are three stages, there is sensory memory, working memory, and long term memory. Sensory memory is short term and only memorizes info for 2-3 seconds. By continuing to focus on memorize information it becomes a part of working memory which allows for longer memorizing of multiple items. By expanding on one’s working memory it becomes a part of long term memory which has a large amount of storage and can be pulled with little to no hesitation. As for studying the module emphasized that studying is not about long hours but rather studying the material for a good (but not excessive) amount of time and also making sure that you are sleeping and eating properly. By sleeping and eating properly your body is more like to perform and assist you more so than it would if you are hungry and sleep deprived.  The module also discussed straying away from multi-tasking and completing one task at a time to ensure that work is done well and that you don’t make any errors. Overall, this module was really helpful and provided some insight into how to perform better not only online but also in general and it denounced the stereotype of having to pull all-nighters in order to be successful which I think was really good to hear and i’m sure is good for others to hear as well.

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

Module 2 was all about communication, specifically communication in an online environment. I think that communication in an online environment is very challenging to both see and interact with. One major idea mentioned in the module 2 lesson was netiquette. Netiquette is etiquette when on the internet.  Netiquette is important because not only does it allow for good interactions when consciously thought about but it also allows for one’s reputation to be good on the internet. When netiquette is not followed things can go poorly very quickly. When one is not careful with their way of speech or text in this case the results can be catastrophic for both sender and responders. One example provided in the modules was using all caps, this comes across as yelling and reads as if one is very angry if all caps are used in succession. By being attentive to the language you’re using online you are  able to have conversations with people and should have a positive experience on the internet.  One tip provided to help with interacting on the internet was to act like you are having a face-to-face conversation with those online. By doing this you’re more likely to say things that are going to be taken well and have a positive experience online.  I f eel that these tips are very good to keep in mind and I hope that they are helpful for others as well.